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【保加利亞嘉珊】每日運勢 2016.04.29

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【保加利亞嘉珊】每日運勢 2016.04.29

Daily Horoscope 29 April, 2016

On Friday, do not be burdened with resolving family and domestic problems, especially if they occurred in previous days.
The challenge will be great, and you will meet with almost no success.
Expect an important event, a meeting or a conversation with a woman or women.
Avoid financial relations or specific expectations related to money.
Likely you will create an unreal idea, or you will be waiting for something that will not happen today.
Those born under the sign of Aries. Leo and Sagittarius will discuss or will be involved in plans related to education, work of a child or grandchild.
Today you will play an important role as the father.
Those of you born under the sign of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn: be careful in everything related to money.
Neither expect nor promise. Beware of payments and financial documents.
Those born under the sign of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius will have a special day. ​​You will accumulate or receive information or a proposal.
News will delight you, but do not rush to share with others. Today you will not miss your good luck.
Those born under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will think about the health of a loved one or of their own health.
More domestic problems will appear, the solution of which will not happen today.


  1. 白羊、獅子和射手將討論或者將解決與一個孩子或者孫子的教育、工作有關的計劃。今天你會扮演重要角色,比如父親。
  2. 金牛、處女和摩羯:小心與錢有關的每件事。既不要期待也不要承諾。當心支付和財務文件。
  3. 雙子、天秤和水瓶將有特別的一天。你會積累或者收到信息或者建議。讓你高興的消息,但是別急著分享。今天你將不會錯過好運。
  4. 巨蟹、天蠍和雙魚將考慮一位愛人或者他們自己的健康。出現更多家庭問題,解決方案今天不會有。


  1. 【蘇珊米勒】今日運勢2016年4月29日
  2. 【EllEHK】 每日星座運勢 2016.04.25
  3. 【山水清澈】今日星座運勢2016.04.29
  4. 【YAO叔】每日星座運勢2016.04.29水逆開始!
  5. 【貓石對話】每日喵喵運勢2016.04.29
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