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【保加利亞嘉珊】每日運勢 2016.04.25

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【保加利亞嘉珊】每日運勢 2016.04.25

譯者: 過氣女郎
Daily Horoscope 25 April, 2016 Daily Horoscope 25 April, 2016. On Monday, 25 April you will have a conversation or you will experience an event associated with a child or young person (probably someone who is living away from you). It will be an auspicious day for good income from work or business. It is possible that you will receive money or a financial agreement with a person whom you knew from before. You may feel grieved because of the fact that a boy or young man, because of stupidity or lack of experience, misses an important chance in life. If you were born under the sign of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, today you may make a purchase for your home or apartment, or to refurbish certain furniture or equipment in it. It is possible that you will receive a gift or joyful news related to a person born who doesn`t live in the same place with you. Persons born under the sign of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn may be unrealistic or disappointed in their expectation connected with money. There could be also bad news of another sort. For those born under the sign of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, possibly there will be the need for emotional support or health care related to a girl or young woman. You will have difficult relationships with women who are your relatives, friends or clients. If you were born under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and you are traveling today, then you will experience easily arising conflicts.

  1. 如果你是白羊、獅子和射手,今天你可能為你的家或者公寓購物,也許更新某樣家具或者設備。 也許你會收到一個禮物或者快樂的消息,與某個生來跟你不在同一地方生活的人有關。 
  2. 金牛、處女和摩羯,可能對於錢有關的期望不切實際或者失望。 也可能有其它壞消息。
  3. 雙子、天秤和水瓶,對一個女孩或者年輕女性也許需要情感支持或者健康照料。 你與女性親戚、朋友或者客戶有關係問題。
  4. 巨蟹、天蠍或者雙魚,如果你在旅行,那麼你會很容易經歷衝突。


  1. 【蘇珊米勒】今日運勢2016年4月25日
  2. 【Claire克萊爾】每日星座運勢2016.04.25
  3. 【貓石對話】每日喵喵運勢2016.04.25
  4. 【山水清澈】今日星座運勢2016.04.25
  5. 【YAO叔】每日星座運勢2016.04.25
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