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【保加利亞嘉珊】每日運勢 2016.04.24

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【保加利亞嘉珊】每日運勢 2016.04.24

譯者: 過氣女郎
Daily Horoscope 24 April, 2016 On Sunday, you will have cause for a celebration or a gathering, which will be connected with a person from your family or from your circle offriends.
If you are far away, you will make time for a phone call or a virtual contact. Today there may arise troubles related to money or greater costs, which will not really surprise you. If you have an expectation of obtaining money from a woman or settlement of a financial problem with her, be more reserved in yourexpectations. People born under the sign of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius: do not make big plans for today; be careful and cautious in your actions and in yourinteractions with people difficult by nature or character. Possibly, you will receive bad news related to a person you know. Those born under the sign of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn may be surprised by actions or attacks by friends. They may unfairly blame you forsomething you did not do or did not say. For those born under the sign of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius , the day will be uneven. You can achieve significant or easy success, but you may become a target of someone's intrigue, attempted fraud, manipulation and more. For those born under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, today you will have a lot of work. New circumstances, plans and commitments willarise related to home or your work. In some cases, it is possible that you will receive interesting information related to a new possibility, job or position.


週日,你有理由慶祝一個聚會,與你家庭或者胖友圈裡的某人有關。 如果你們隔得很遠,你會抽時間打電話或者在線聯絡。 今天可能出現麻煩,與錢或者更大的花費有關,這並不會讓你驚訝。 如果你有期望,要從一位女性得到錢,或者是解決與她有關的財務文件,要對你的期望有所保留。

  1. 白羊、獅子和射手:不要製定重大計劃。 行動、與性格難纏的人互動要小心謹慎。 也許你會收到壞消息,與某個你熟悉的人有關。
  2. 金牛、處女和摩羯被旁友們的行動和抨擊驚到。他們不公平地為你沒做過、沒說過的事情指責你。
  3. 雙子、天秤和水瓶,今天不平坦。 你能成就重大或者輕易成功,但是你可能變成某人陰謀、企圖欺騙、操縱的目標,等等。
  4. 巨蟹、天蠍和雙魚,今天你將有很多工作。新的情況、計劃和承諾將出現,與你的家或者工作有關。 某些情況 ​​下,也許你將收到有趣的信息,與一個新的可能性、職業或者職位有關。
  5. 每日運勢

    1. 小鐵星象小聊 2016.4.22~24 (金天合相)
    2. 【蘇珊米勒】今日運勢2016年4月25日
    3. 【摘星工廠】星吧每日運勢 2016.04.24
    4. 【最塔羅】今日星座運勢2016.04.24
    5. 【聯合新聞網】每日星座運2016.04.24
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