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【保加利亞嘉珊】每日運勢 2016.04.22

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【保加利亞嘉珊】每日運勢 2016.04.22

: 過氣女郎
Daily Horoscope 22 April, 2016 Daily Horoscope 22 April, 2016. On 22 April, you can expect important news or an event associated with a close person (relative or friend). Today, the family will be more important in your life than your job .
The reasons for this are various and individual for each of you. News will come to you related to an upcoming engagement, wedding or other family gathering. This may be an adverse day for solving domestic or property problems. If some problems now arise, their solution will not be fast, and in some cases will be impossible. For Aries, Leo and Sagittarius people - today you will be able to resolve your problems and troubles. Beware of lies and manipulations that may cause you to lose your chance. Possible opportunity for success or progress. For Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn people - today you may receive money which has been delayed or a document that will be the foundation of your improved income. Opportunity for additional work or income may arise. There may be a settlement of financial documents or loan payments. If you are born under the sign of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius today you may receive news related to the personal, professional or health problems of someone close to you. This will be an auspicious day to solve problems or harmonize relations. For Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces people today may displease you because of an act or discussion with people who live in another city or country. If you travel today, conflicts and disputes are possible because of the people with whom you travel or with people with whom you are going to be with.

不利於解決家庭或者財產問題的日子。如果一些問題出現,它們的解決方案不會很快出現,某些情況 ​​下不可能解決。 白羊、獅子和射手,今天能解決你的問題和麻煩。當心謊言和欺騙,可能造成你失去機會。 也許有成功和進步的機會。 金牛、處女和摩羯今天可能收到延遲的錢,或者一個文件,將成為你改善收入的基礎。 可能出現額外工作或者收入的機會。可能解決一個財務文件或者藉貸支付。 雙子、天秤或者水瓶可能收到消息,與個人、專業或者某個親近之人的健康問題有關。 解決問題和諧關係的好日子。 巨蟹、天蠍和雙魚可能生氣,因為一個行動或者是討論,與生活在另一個城市或者國家的人。 如果你旅行,衝突和爭吵是可能的,因為與你同行的人,或者是將要與之共處的人。


  1. 小鐵星象小聊 2016.4.22~24 (金天合相)
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