【總目錄】 【最新文章】 【星座男】 【星座女】 【星座愛情】 【星座排行】 【十二星座】 【生肖】

【保加利亞嘉珊】每日運勢 2016.04.18

標籤: ,


譯者: 過氣女郎
Daily Horoscope 18 April, 2016
In the begining of the week you may have a conversation to discuss the education and the development of a child or grandchild in a given area of education, art or sport.

It will be an auspicious day for those of you who work with children, entertainment for children, education and others.
You may receive unexpected bad news related to a person you know.
There will be an important gathering or event in your home or in your kidnap circle.
Today you may make an important decision for your family or marriage that will add a positive development to your plans for next months.
Born under sign of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius today may have to give moral or emotional support to the woman.
Women from these 3 signs may be disappointed in one of their expectations or hope for today.
A surprises for Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn people, will come through family connections or from older friends, colleagues and others.
A new date or an online contact will develop with people from far or near.
Today Gemini , Libra or Aquarius people may become angry because of the actions or comments of a young man.
A possible conflict may arise in your family or work place due to opposing interests, lack of understanding and willingness for compromises.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces people will have minor household or transport troubles.
Overall, it will be a peaceful and successful day if you have tasks to perform.

本周伊始你可能有對話,要去討論一個孩子或者孫子 ​​在一個規定的學業、藝術或者運動領域的教育和發展。

家中有重要聚會或者活動,或者是在你的發小圈裡。( kidnap circle不知啥意思)


  1. 白羊、獅子或者射手將不得不給予女性道德或者情感支持。 這仨星座的女性可能對今天的期待或者希望之一感到失望。
  2. 金牛、處女或者摩羯有驚喜,將來自家庭關聯或者來自老朋友、同事等等。 一個新的約會或者一個在線聯絡將發展,與遠近的人們。
  3. 雙子、天秤或者水瓶變得生氣,因為一位年輕男士的行為或者評論。 也許家中或者職場發生衝突,由於利益衝突、缺少理解和願意妥協。
  4. 巨蟹、天蠍和雙魚有輕微的家庭或者運輸麻煩。 總的來說將是平靜和成功的一天,如果你有任務要執行的話。


  1. 【貓石對話】每日喵喵運勢2016.04.18
  2. 【YAO叔】每日星座運勢2016.04.18
  3. 【山水清澈】今日星座運勢2016.04.18
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