【總目錄】 【最新文章】 【星座男】 【星座女】 【星座愛情】 【星座排行】 【十二星座】 【生肖】


標籤: ,

LEO July 23-Aug. 22 March is for sexual yearning, power urges, large finances (mortgage, investments, etc.) research, detective work,
medical diagnoses, lifestyle changes, commitment and consequence. These will powerfully attract you now, and for many March months to come. However, this March and next (2017) hold temptations and pitfalls in this zone, and the pitfall will be the larger the stronger is the temptation. Do what you must in these areas (especially this Monday noon to Wed . noon [PST] when this zone is highlighted) but don't become over-involved. A paycheck, now to mid-May 2017, is better than starting a business. Same period, rely on surface appearances – don't dig down to find “the real story” or you'll miss the real opportunity. Earlier, Sunday through Monday morning brings relationships – mostly co-operative ones, perhaps even relationships that bring you an opportunity. Relocation, partnerships, negotiations and litigation, are also accented early week. All's smooth, productive here. Wisdom, intellectual and cultural pursuits, media, far travel and legal matters – and love – fill Wed. noon to Friday noon. Again, almost every aspect is good, so charge ahead. However, Thursday afternoon, work duties or health matters might interfere with those more pleasant things. Friday noon through Saturday bring prestige, ambitions, career pressures and status goals – again, all systems are “Go” – so charge ahead! This week through May 26 will bring romantic or creative “action.” You might gamble. You might start a significant romance. Your courage and determination surge for 12 weeks in romance.




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