CANCER June 21-July 22
The two weeks ahead promote wisdom, intellectual pursuits, law, far travel, cultural involvements, and love.
These will probably climax, and/or present you with an opportunity to start a whole new project in these areas Monday noon to Wed. noon. But step carefully, and be self-aware. This whole zone (legalities, weddings, far travel, etc.) holds pitfalls, delays and dead-ends until May 2017. These traps almost always are “stage two” (or three or four ) of a temptation. (Eg, I buy a ticket to Rome because I'm fleeing my child support payments.) Be especially careful Monday around noon (PST) and Tues. before 2 pm. Earlier, Sunday into Monday morning accents sexual yearnings , financial manoeuvres, medical diagnostics, research and lifestyle changes. Go ahead, commit Sunday, as a smooth, mild luck accompanies you. Be ambitious Wed. noon to Fri. noon – bosses are watching, noting how you act under pressure. You' ll perform splendidly – but watch Thurs. around mid-afternoon: someone you count on might not show, or will quietly work against you. Happiness arrives Fri. pm and Saturday – your popularity surges, optimism fills your view, entertainment and flirty romance reward you. Send a message, even a card (before 4:30 pm Sat.) – it will find a receptive audience.
這種陷阱般的誘惑總是會在事情進展到第二,三或四階段的時候出現。 (比如我買了一張去羅馬的票,因為我認為我的兒子會支付贍養費)。請一定要密切注意週一大概中午的時候(太平洋標準時間)和周二下午2點以前。週日的早期到週一的早晨會帶來一些改變,包括兩性的渴望,醫生的診斷,研究以及生活作息。
來吧,承諾在周日(?),就像一股平穩而又祥和的運氣圍繞著你。本文轉自星座運勢網。從周三的中午到週五的中午請保持雄心壯志 - 你的老闆正在關注著你,無論你處於何種壓力之下做事。你將華麗的完成任務 - 不過要小心週四的午後,你期望的某個人或許不會出現,亦或者他將在你背後反駁你。快樂的氣氛將席捲週五的下午和周六,你的人氣激增,樂觀的態度將會充斥你的視野,娛樂和浪漫的時光將會是你的獎勵。發一條短信,哪怕是一張卡片(在星期天下午4點30以前)-這些信息將會找到接納的聽眾。
- 【TIM】白羊座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】金牛座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】雙子座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】巨蟹座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】獅子座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】處女座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】天秤座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】天蠍座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】射手座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】摩羯座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】水瓶座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】雙魚座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
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