AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Your charisma shines and your energy's high Sunday and Monday morning. Use Sunday (not Monday) to start significant ventures, to make contacts and impress people.
(Your major luck until September lies in the zones of investment , entrepreneurship, sexual prowess, and similar things. So making contacts when it's lucky – as Sunday – is a smart, perhaps essential prelude to acting in concert with others – which investments, sex, et al usually entail – no pun intended.) Monday noon to Wednesday noon features money, earnings, shopping, sensual attractions, and memorization or rote learning. This area is NOT favourable to you before mid-May 2017, so don't plunge deeply into it – instead, for success and safety, look to the “heavier” side of these – an investment in appreciating assets is far better than buying a depreciating asset such as a car, or furniture. Deep, meaningful, soulful sex is good, casual bed. All to mid-2017. Careful Mon . noon and Tues. until 2 pm (PST) – argument, negativity can affect your progress. Friends, calls, errands, short trips, paperwork, details and communications fill Friday pm and all Saturday – superbly! You'll get a lot done , and spend some needed “human chatting.” For the 12 weeks ahead, two men will befriend you, and an old friend, though she/he looks askance on the “newbies,” will accept them for your sake. Same period, your hopes can be tied up with travel, friendship and communications. A light, friendly romance could curl your toes.
- 【TIM】白羊座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】金牛座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】雙子座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】巨蟹座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】獅子座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】處女座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】天秤座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】天蠍座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】射手座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】摩羯座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】水瓶座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
- 【TIM】雙魚座每周運勢2016.3.6-3.12
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