滿足感,情緒安樂與和諧成為你人際關係的主題。最近你就好好放鬆,盡情享樂吧。除非有其他更強大的星象影響,否則你不會堅定有力地做些什麼,而是順應時勢,吸引心中所願,讓世界向你走來。Contentment, emotional well-being and harmony prevail in your personal relationships. At this time you relax, and indulge in your pleasure-loving side. Unless other astrological indications override this influence, you are unlikely to be forceful and try to make things happen, but instead are inclined to flow along with people and situations, attracting what you need and letting the world come to you.
金牛座們本週易爭吵,好辯論,而且非常沒有耐心。你們不願意像往常一樣忽視一些小問題,所以和別人產生了分歧。只要你們控制住自己的脾氣別失控,和別人對峙還是會很有收穫的。現在你們非常有競爭力。You are contentious, argumentative and impatient now. Disagreements erupt because you aren't willing to overlook minor irritations as readily as usual. Confrontations with others may be fruitful if you don't allow your anger to get out of control. You are highly competitive at this time.
穩健、成熟與合作是這段時間的關鍵字。在關鍵問題上你感到能夠與別人保持一致看法。工作中,你觀察到大部分人都在為生活中的重要事項思慮擔憂。Stability, maturity, and cooperation are the key issues for this time period. You feel in rapport with others on important issues. At work, you find that others share common concerns about important aspects of life.
輕鬆和愉快是這段時期的主要特徵。你會通過交涉、個人魅力或是朋友的支持贏得自己想要的東西,而不是直截了當的索取。你也會願意為了保持自己圈子中的和諧而讓步。Light and pleasant interactions characterize this time period. You gain what you want through diplomacy or charm and by enlisting the support of your friends, rather than by being forthright and bold. You are willing to make concessions in order to maintain harmony in your environment.
你感覺到被愛和溫暖,你渴望給予以及接受愛情和讚美。同樣,你對美的渴求激發出了你的創造力。如果你是藝術家,你的工作被激勵和鼓舞。此時,投入你對美和奢華的慾望之中吧!You feel quite loving and warm, with a desire to give and receive affection and appreciation. Also, your desire for beauty stimulates your creativity. If you are artistic, your work will be particularly inspired now. Indulging in your desire for beauty or luxury is likely at this time.
現在做重要決定時需要非常小心,別人往往不跟隨他們的意圖,並且很難把計劃和想法以接地氣的形式執行起來。Be very careful when making important decisions now. Others often do not follow through on their intentions, and it is difficult to bring plans and ideas into practical and tangible form.
你現在重視愛,性,美和愉悅。你額外的吸引人和友善,你給與的溫暖被注意和欣賞。一場新的浪漫或友誼將開始。關於藝術的工作也會碩果累累。 (貌似這週作者手滑,與上週相同)Love, relationships, beauty, and pleasure are emphasized now. You feel especially attractive or friendly, and the warmth you radiate is noticed and appreciated. A new romance or friendship may ensue. Artistic efforts are also fruitful.
門戶開放,個人和專業發展的新機會出現在你面前。你傾向於在這個時候去做的任何倡議和行動都可能給你帶來一個正面積極的結果。合作或加盟與他人共贏的事宜此時也會得到你的青睞。你的精力正處於高度狀態,這是個運動的好時候,尤其是團體運動。Doors open and new opportunities for personal and professional growth present themselves. Any initiative or action you feel inclined to take at this time is likely to lead to a positive outcome for you. Partnerships or joining with others for mutual benefit is favored. Your energy level is high; this is a good time for athletics, especially team sports.
對於重新開始,採取主動出擊,以及突破自我的渴望,會讓你產生強大的驅動力。你的體力、意願和勇氣也會因此而愈加提升。這時,除非你能把旺盛的精力及時轉換為行動力和工作激情,否則會很容易發生意外,或者產生憤怒和煩躁的情緒。Your desire to make a fresh start, to take the initiative and strike out on your own, is a powerful drive right now. Your physical energy, will, and courage are intensified. Unless you channel your abundant energy into decisive action or vigorous work, accidents, anger, and irritability are likely at this time.
這是一段困難期。很多事情就是不按照你計劃的路徑走。不管你有什麼樣的計劃和意圖,事情有它們自己的運行進程。干擾、煩惱和中斷讓你堅持自己的計劃變得很難。This is a difficult time period. Many things simply refuse to go the way you planned them. Things have a way of running their own course, regardless of your plans or intentions. Disturbances, annoyances, and interruptions make it difficult for you to stick to your schedule.
你會變得警覺並隨時準備行動。你的步伐會很快,甚至有些忙亂。你會感到坐立不安,會渴望遇到新人,與他交談、交流信息、建立聯繫。可能由於在工作上新增的要求,你會被激怒並感到壓力,而變得過於敏感和易怒。You will be alert and on your toes now. The pace is likely to be fast, even hectic. You are restless and eager to meet others halfway, to converse, exchange information, and make connections. Nervousness or irritability due to aggravations and the stress of increased demands at work is possible.
這個時間是讓別人來告訴你當前的狀況的好時機。人際關係中,各種各樣的人或事都會與你展開各型各色的相互作用。與此同時,你需要去主動與他人尋求合作,或者主動去妥協調整以至於接受他人的思路方法。你現在可能經常與在你生命中那些充滿靈感和氣場充沛的人保持聯繫。加油!This is a time to get others' opinions and feedback about yourself and what you are doing. Relationships of all types are activated now and cooperation, compromise, and adjustments to others' viewpoints are key issues that require your attention. You may come into contact with a person who is especially creative or influential in your life.
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