木星提升白羊的魅力,可能意外收穫某人的讚美。或者一個有魅力的朋友突然單身了,於是可以約你出去。別害羞,抓住機會。You could receive a surprising compliment from someone as Jupiter enhances your charms. Or you might be asked out by a cute friend who is suddenly single and available. Don't be shy. Seize this opportunity.
如果你跟某人有點兒意思,那現在是慶祝你們浪漫的好時候。如果你單身,會感受更多。If you've been involved with someone, this is a good time to celebrate your romance. And if you're single, you'll feel more.
現在不要給你的伴侶太多壓力,火星使你不耐煩,你發現自己處於苛求的狀態。但固執己見或挑剔批判將使你的愛情狀況更糟而不是得到改善。Don't put a lot of pressure on your partner just now. Mars is making you impatient, and you could find yourself in a demanding mood. But being pushy or critical will just make your romantic situation worse instead of improving it.
一個強烈的滿月使那些被壓抑的情緒浮出表面。如果你迷戀某人,你將會忍不住強有力地坦白你的感受。如果再一個長期的愛情關係內你感到沮喪,你會想要聊一聊。An intense full moon is making those pent-up emotions come to the surface. If you've had a crush on someone, you'll be tempted to make a lusty confession about your feelings. If you're feeling frustrated within a long-term romance, you'll want to talk about it.
火星會在週末時帶給你額外的能量。善加利用。這是你做大掃除的大好時光,無論是打比方還是從字面理解。打掃並整理你真實的家。也要注意把有害的人從你的生命中趕走。Mars will start to bring you extra energy by the end of the week. Put it to good use. This is a great time to do housecleaning, both figuratively and literally. Clean up and organize your actual home. And focus on expelling toxic people from your life, too.
不要太快下結論,尤其是當你處理你的個人和家庭關係的時候。你的親愛的可能有一個糟糕的一週,他可能說了些讓你爆發的話。或者你的孩子或父(母)親可能激惱你。月亮說,退後一步。Don't jump to conclusions, especially as you're managing your personal and family relationships. Your honey could have a bad week and he or she might say something that sets you off. Or your kid or parent might annoy you. The moon says take a step back.
你會發現你扮演了一個守護天使的角色,當某個你關心的人經歷了一個危機的時候。月亮會指引你,當你為這個人提供建議、安慰和實際幫助時。種什麼因,得什麼果,你會得到好的果報。You'll find yourself playing the role of guardian angel as someone you care about experiences a crisis. The moon will guide you as you provide advice, comfort, and practical assistance to this person. What goes around comes around, and you'll earn some good karma.
沒有人會想跟他們的雙胞胎結婚,因為那會很無聊。月亮在提醒你,你和你的甜心並不總會在一切事上保持和諧一致,那很好。慶祝你們的差異而不是為了傻事而打仗。Nobody wants to marry their exact twin, because that would be boring. The moon is reminding you that you and your honey aren't going to always agree about everything, and that's okay. Celebrate your differences instead of engaging in war over silly things.
金星讓射手進入調情模式。單身的射手想要去市中心一夜狂歡,認識些新朋友。有伴兒的射手會無視工作責任,專注於另一半。Venus is putting you in a flirty mood. If you're single, you'll want to head out for a night on the town and introduce yourself to some new people. If you're in a relationship, you'll ignore work obligations to focus exclusively on your sweetheart.
由於水星拓展了你的金錢魔咒,你的現金流增強了。你和你的伴侶可以考慮投資、購買或裝修房子或者要小孩兒。是時候拓展你的計劃了。Cash flow is improving for you as Mercury increases your money mojo. You and your partner could be thinking about making an investment, buying or renovating a home, or planning to have a kid. It's time for you to expand your life options.
金星正引起一些自我懷疑。你不確定你在你的職業和關係上所做的是否正確。這可能是個和某位顧問談談的好時機。從一位治療專家、精神導師或良師益友那裡尋求建議。Venus is creating some self-doubt. You're not sure if you're doing the right things with your career and your relationships. It might be a good time to talk to an advisor. Seek advice from a therapist, spiritual guide, or mentor.
當月亮提醒你去設置一些界限和範圍,你可能需要採取一個立場。如果你的親愛的一直在利用你,不要讓這繼續下去。或者如果你的孩子們沒有做他們該做的家務活,是時候來一場坦率的討論了。You might need to take a stand as the moon prompts you to set some limits and boundaries. If your honey has been taking advantage of you, don't let this continue. Or if your kids aren't doing their share of the household chores, it's time for a frank discussion.
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