你知道自己想要什麼,也知道怎麼搞到手。惹火的月亮給咩星人煽風點火,讓你對某人無限渴望。如果還木有和他正式約會過,現在是時候安排一次晚間活動,藉以了解對方了。You know what you want, and you have a pretty good idea about how to get it. A fiery moon is intensifying your lust for that certain someone. If you haven't yet dated this person, it's time to arrange an evening out so you can get to know him or her.
感謝友善的火星,牛牛們此刻正被一股美好的能量包圍著。淡定,坐好,讓地球人熱烈地崇拜和愛慕你吧。如果某個一直據你於千里之外的人突然粗現在你的面前求關注,你無需訝異~Good energy is flowing your way, courtesy of friendly Mars. Sit back and let other people worship and adore you. Don't be surprised if someone who used to be unavailable suddenly comes knocking at your door, craving your attention.
月亮對位告訴你慢下來,不要急急躁躁做事情。當你想說「不」,或者想說「讓我在考慮考慮時」,不要讓你的甜心逼著你同意。本週不適合做出重大承諾。A moon opposition is telling you to slow down. Don't rush into things. And don't allow your sweetheart to pressure you into saying "Yes" when you really mean "No" or "Let me think about it." This isn't the best week to make a major commitment.
你和伴侶以一種更親密更快樂的方式互動。金星增加了你包容某個特殊之人的感受。很適合傾心交談,和一個真正的靈魂伴侶緊密相連。You and your partner are connecting in a more intimate and pleasurable way. Venus is increasing your feeling of compatibility with that special someone. This is a great time to communicate from the heart and bond with a real soulmate.
木星進入了一個對你來說十分喜人的位置,並會停留整整一年。在這段時期,你應該努力使自己的夢想成真,因為有很高的成功可能。期待著工作,金錢和愛情的提升吧。Jupiter has entered a favorable position for you, and it will remain there for an entire year. Over this period, you should work to make your dreams come true because you have a high probability of success. Expect work, money, and love to improve.
不要拘泥於一些舊有的常規習慣裡。如果你經常週五晚上會和朋友聚會,那這次就考慮一下待在家裡好好享受屬於你自己的時光。或者你和你愛人習慣性看著租來的片子,那麼你可以考慮一下去一家實體影院觀賞一部電影。Don't get stuck in the same old routine. If you always go out with your friends on Friday night, consider staying home and enjoying some "you" time. Or if you and your honey are in the habit of renting videos, consider going to an actual movie theater to enjoy a film.
你需要一個新的開始。最近在你的圈子裡有幾個人確實帶著有毒的能量,你需要從這些關係中超脫出來。在朋友方面,月亮敦促你專注於質量,而非數量。You need to make a fresh start. Recently a few people in your circle have proven to have a toxic energy, and you need to move beyond those relationships. The moon is urging you to focus on quality when it comes to friends, not quantity.
土星讓蠍子關注商務,金錢和事業。想要取得更大的成功就必須要相應投入更多的時間和精力。現在,需要先確保自己已經取得了伴侶的理解和支持。Saturn has you focused on business, money, and career. It's important for you to put in the time and energy required to bring you greater success. Make sure that your honey understands that you have some serious work to do right now.
懂你的家人或者老友將為你注入積極的能量。托月亮的福,射射們沉浸在那些愛你支持你的人們所營造的溫暖氛圍之中,壓力重重的境況將得以治癒。You'll pull in positive energy from family members or longtime friends who really understand you. The moon is helping you heal from a stressful situation by spending time soaking up good vibes from folks who love and support you.
火星老人家營造出了不同於以往的性感張力,面癱君隨之可能被不同於以往的類型所吸引。有時候呢踏出固定的圈子,和那些不同背景且比你更加有趣的朋友們約個會那真真是極好的。You could be attracted to someone who isn't your usual type as Mars creates some extra sexual tension. Sometimes it's good for you to date outside your usual circle and get to know people with different backgrounds and interests than yours.
現在是時候變得實際點了。你一直以來很少關注譬如省錢~~計劃將來~~或用實際的方式支持愛人等生活義務。現在太陽告訴你該去做這些重要的事啦。It's time to be more practical. You haven't been paying too much attention to life obligations like saving money, planning for the future, or supporting loved ones in a real way. Now the sun is telling you to deal with these important things.
本週,表現出你夢幻與浪漫的一面。天王星幫助你展現玩心重又異想天開的特質。周圍的人會被你的創造性的點子和幽默感所深深吸引。Express your dreamy and romantic side this week. Neptune is helping you connect with the playful and whimsical part of your personality. Others around you will be charmed by your creative ideas and gentle sense of humor.
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