【總目錄】 【最新文章】 【星座男】 【星座女】 【星座愛情】 【星座排行】 【十二星座】 【生肖】

【詹妮弗】一週愛情運勢 2014.8.25 - 8.31

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A moon opposition has you reconsidering your options. If you're in a relationship, you're wondering if this person is truly compatible with you. If you're single, you might be thinking about moving to a new location or taking a big trip somewhere.


You'll have all the answers as the moon inspires you to solve problems in a creative way. If you and your sweetheart haven't been getting along, you could figure out how to fix things and get along much better. Trust your instincts.


Your friends could be pressuring you to join them in an activity or they might want to introduce you to someone who is suddenly single. Although you're set in your ways lately, the moon is encouraging you to be open to trying new things.


You'll have a good time reconnecting with an old friend or revisiting a past romance with someone. Neptune is helping you figure out some of the energy dynamics and personality quirks that create real chemistry between you and this person.


Don't let other people control or dominate you. Saturn is reminding you that you should never let others push you around, especially when it comes to making major life decisions. Avoid giving your personal power away to control freaks or bullies.


A bouncy new moon in your sign is putting you in an optimistic mood. You'll feel more comfortable in your own skin than you have in weeks. No matter what is happening in your personal or professional life, you'll see that you can keep improving.


You could feel a sudden attraction to someone who isn't your usual type. Venus is creating some weird, odd reactions to people in your social circle. You might be tempted to become a stalker or make an extremely personal confession to a relative stranger. Don't do it.


You and your partner aren't seeing eye to eye just now. Many of your differences are coming to the surface. The moon says you need to remember that sometimes those differences are what make a relationship truly rewarding and powerful.


Playful Venus is making you super flirtatious. You'll want to make sure that people notice you wherever you go. You'll do everything within your power to charm, amaze, and tantalize attractive strangers. Along the way you could meet someone really special.


You could find yourself in a position to offer some important advice to someone. The moon is putting you in a generous mood, and you'll want to help out. Maybe your best friend is trying to sort out his or her love life. Offer your assistance.


Someone is falling for you in a big way, and you're not even noticing it. You've been pretty busy lately managing your own life, and you don't realize that someone you've been interacting with could be developing a huge crush on you. Venus says pay attention.


You know what you need to do, but you might feel a little nervous or afraid. Neptune says just do the right thing anyway. Maybe you need to cut off ties to somebody who has become toxic to you. You'll feel better after it's over.

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