【總目錄】 【最新文章】 【星座男】 【星座女】 【星座愛情】 【星座排行】 【十二星座】 【生肖】

【詹妮弗】一週愛情運勢 2014年7月28日 - 8月3日

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A bouncy sun is making you super social. You'll bump into friends you haven't seen for a while or meet some new folks who inspire and amaze you. You're entering a cycle where you'll meet soulmates of many types.


It's important to be honest with yourself. The moon is showing you that you need to take care of you, and everything else flows from that. Don't give all your time and energy to people who give nothing back. Demand more love and respect.


Don't get caught up in melodrama. Mercury is creating some tension in your workplace or at home, but you can avoid it by maintaining a positive attitude. Cheer your honey up with some sexy jokes and flirty comments.



Mars is telling you to stand up for yourself. Don't let people walk all over you. You may have gotten caught up in patterns of behavior with your family, lover, or coworkers that are draining your energy. Speak up and have your voice counted.


Mercury is helping you to expand your social life. This is the time to join groups, sign up for fun activities, or hang out in a new location with some fresh faces. You'll soon connect with people from "your planet" who make you feel right at home.


You could receive good news as Mars brings you lucky vibes. Maybe you'll get a promotion and raise. Maybe that former flame you still adore will announce that he or she wants to reunite with you. Something fun and surprising is going on.


A bouncy moon is giving you extra energy. This is a good time to work out and get in shape because you'll have more endurance than usual. It's also a good time to do more social stuff after work hours because you'll have extra stamina, which will help you stay awake.


Expect some kind of breakthrough this week, thanks to the moon. You've been working hard with your career and your personal life, so you deserve this improvement. Things should start to be easier than they were before.


Jupiter isn't letting you return to bad habits. You may have had a moment of weakness recently, where old addictions or an unhealthy relationship were briefly back in your life. But now you're seeing that it's time to move forward. Good for you.


Venus says you should be more inventive in your relationship. Don't stay stuck in the same old routine. If you always rent a movie Friday night, go out for a night on the town instead. If you rarely get together with friends, invite lots of them over for a party.


Jupiter is reminding you that you need to do some homework if you really want to improve your long-term prospects. Think about heading back to school or taking some courses. Consider getting therapy to help you sort through relationship matters.


A moon opposition is reminding you that you need to work on your communication skills. Don't assume that your partner can read your mind if you're going through some stress. And don't withdraw so that your honey worries he or she has done something wrong.

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