Start Nothing:
9:04 pm Sun. to 10:23 am Mon., 《即台灣時間2014/2/17 13:04~ 2/18 02:23》
1:52 pm to 7:33 pm Wed., 《即台灣時間2014/2/20 05:52~ 2/20 11:33》
and 2:10 pm Fri. to 2:12 am Sat.《即台灣時間2014/2/22 06:10~ 2/22 18:12》
狂歡很快即將結束了,大白羊。週二起,為期一個月的休整,平靜,冥想和幕後工作(如管理,計劃,政策,與政府或者組織機構有關的互動,慈善活動和靈修)即將開啟。未來的一週請保護好自己:保護好自己的名譽和健康。同時要記住,2月28日之前不要進行任何開始。 (28日這一天倒是非常好的時機展開任何和幕後工作有關的事宜,比如開啟一個新項目等等。這一天滿是潛在成功的種子。)週日適合解決瑣事。週一,關係引誘著你,但是周二,你將遇到切實的阻礙,比如得不到關鍵人物的許可,以及財政困窘。週三,你能解決這之中的一些問題,彼時可能達成協議(前提是你要忍住別發飆)。週三至週五晚能解決許多和財務有關的問題,彼時你可能獲得豐饒的財政資源,或者成功和土豪做了朋友。週六,軟軟的全是愛~金牛座:——譯者:
Sunday's for romance, beauty, pleasure, charming kids, speculation, sports or creative urges. (But remember, start nothing brand new before February 28. And you'd probably be wise not to return to an old, unfinished creative work also, especially a written one.) Though Monday to Wed. eve bring the need to work, to tackle tasks, much of the career or practical pressures of the last few weeks dissolves now, to open the door to happiness, social delights, light romance and play . Those chores, by the way, go fairly well Monday, terribly Tuesday, and successfully Wed. (Be diplomatic, safe Tues.) Relationships, challenges and co-operation, opportunities and relocation themes arise fortunately Wed. night to Friday. Love's possible ! Sex, finances and research frustrate Saturday morning, succeed this pm.
Remember, start nothing brand new before February 28. This Tuesday, a month of intellectual progress, travel, culture and gentle love, of wisdom and mellowness, ends – and a month of ambition, pressures, meetings with VIPs, parents and higher-ups , of reputational issues, begins. (A great step forward in these areas, even a new career or reputational project, could occur Feb. 28.) Be a home-body (or get out in nature) Sunday – a successful day! Love of the most hypnotic kind could lure you Monday to Wednesday eve. Monday's fine, and Wed. could even bring sweet love success, but Tuesday needs real caution: a sexual or financial factor, or a work or health issue, could interfere. Be patient ! Work and health matters speed ahead very nicely Wed. eve to Friday. Relationships, Saturday: deceptive pre-noon, exciting, friendly after noon.
從星期二開始,你就會告別上個月的謎團、爭吵、金融問題,變得善解人意,心情舒暢,愛情順利,很適合出遠門,或者追求真理。 2月28日,水逆結束,就是這一天,你的某個項目會取得階段性的進展。 (不要在28號之前開始任何項目或者是感情)。週日的重點:差事,短途旅行,拜訪,電話,文書工作,熟人。這一切都很順利,但是記得在離開家之前列一個清單。星期一的重點:家,孩子,安防,花園,食物和廚房(一切順利,但是仍然不要做出任何承諾。星期二一切順利,星期三你能夠解決一些問題。星期二記得避免接觸電器,避免分手,避免愛冷淡,避免八卦。星期三整天都是充滿了愛情和歡樂的。享受星期五的晚上,星期六下午做家務會比較輕鬆。獅子座:——譯者:
Start nothing new, projects nor relationships, nor investments, before February 28. (That day needs a star on your calendar: it will offer splendid success in finances, intimacy/sex, lifestyle changes, commitments, health diagnoses, and research – and a new start in these that could swell into significance over the weeks following.) Your money luck’s good Sunday (but spend only on routine items). Errands, trips, communications, paperwork and casual acquaintances fill Monday to Wednesday – take care Tuesday, when various pitfalls and frustrations could occur. (Most of these irritations involve work or health, or insufficient tools, machine breakdowns, etc.) Tuesday also ends a month of relationships, and begins one of mysteries, detective work, sexual urges, financial endeavors, investment, lifestyle changes, health diagnoses, etc. Home, kids, garden, rest, security issues – these bless you Wed. night to Friday. Saturday’s romantic, creative – illusory in the am, successful in the pm.
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