【總目錄】 【最新文章】 【星座男】 【星座女】 【星座愛情】 【星座排行】 【十二星座】 【生肖】


標籤: , ,


【白羊座】 有充足的機會來開始你改變的慾望--譯者:溫暖何時亂入





















幸運日: 7,8,17,18,26,27.

【處女座】 這個月接到怪電話就無視吧。--譯者:Fortunate




【天秤座】 將面臨如此多的謊言,秘密和背叛--譯者:小兔乖乖



(總的說來,2月並不樂觀。尤其事業上無法再單打獨鬥,多長心眼,找到相互支持的盟友。愛情上,舊愛回歸,最好對他say no!唯一值得欣慰的,會有新的人進入,享受情人節吧!)

【天蠍座】 一切皆在你掌握中!--譯者:typing





【射手座】 宜抓緊水逆良機,多多勾搭--譯者:Fortunate




【摩羯座】 直覺此月異常敏銳--譯者:Fortunate




【水瓶座】 會得到(新的)財政突破!--譯者:王哇哇
本月你會得到(新的)財政突破!(根據後文應該是指有大筆收入~)它的到來是出乎你的預料且伴隨著驚喜的!為什麼這麼說呢?水星本月六號開始逆行,這也許是錢湧向你的原因。但是,這些資金不是從新機遇中得到的,而是你本就應該得到的,或者是從法律訴訟和你過去就應該得到這筆錢的途徑中得到,它們都會在本月溜進你的小皮夾喲!(有債款的瓶子們大概可以拿到欠款了~撒花~)如果沒人欠你錢,你也可以在家裡找到隱藏起來的錢!事實上,本月是再好不過的一個月份,去組織安排,推進和洗盤周圍的事情了。你會發現過去丟失的東西,藏起來的檔和丟失的錢!把它們作為冬季中旬大掃除的理由吧!(前幾天剛掃了啊- -)除此之外,水逆期間是讓所有的事情變得僅僅有條的最好時機,不僅僅是讓家裡變乾淨。





Aries Aries: “What happened!” can be your question? What happened to all the great things that were coming you ask? Worry not Aries! Very positive things are still headed your way…it’s just that the Universe has it own time schedule and the cosmic energies have been on a sort of ‘start, stop’ type of movement for no transparent reason. If you’ve been having big problems with your New Year resolutions…you now have a good excuse for it! The planetary energetic momentum can be the reason that you lose interest, so stop beating yourself up if you haven’t been successful with them. Actually, with the Mercury retrograde beginning on the 6th(lasting until the 28th,) you’ll have ample chance to jump-start your desires for change and maybe even add on a few more during this time period.

The planet Mercury in the ‘spiritual’ sign of Pisces causes you to stop and reflect on more important things…like ‘how connected do you feel to Divine forces? Is there a greater need to give thanks and be more grateful for the advantages and situations you have in your life?’ And, is there a person you’ve lost touch with that you need to find a way to bring them back into your life because they truly meant you well? These questions and others will be under consideration during the Mercury retrograde.

The full Moon on the 14th (Valentines Day) brings huge revelations regarding love. Romance for you has been difficult! The people you love or those you want to have a loving relationship with can be demanding and seemingly hard to please. A ‘fickle’ lunar union with changeable Uranus warns that if things are not going well between you and a certain person, that your love situation will be ‘kicked to the curb!’ Meaning, you’ll have multiply reasons why you don’t want to be in the same situation and begin to seek something brand new! On Valentine’s Day, don’t make promises you can’t keep! Don’t promise to be with someone and your heart is not in it! If you’re unsure in love, go it alone and let someone more worthy enter your life. Buy yourself a box of chocolates and enjoy the solitude! Focus on career gains! There is a lot of stress regarding your work conditions this month. This is not the time to make changes, but it is a good time to make plans. Do your homework and figure out what job you want…what salary you want and what it takes to get them! Best Days: 7,8,17,18,26,27. Stressful Days: 1,2,14,15,22,23,28.

Taurus: Make sure you’re well groomed and put together! This is the month where you’ll run into old friends that haven’t been the nicest, kindest or most honest with you. You’ll get a chance to shine, glow and let them ‘see’ that you’re doing just fine and that life has gone on without them! Yes, Taurus, this is payback month!!!! With the Mercury retrograde turning around situations in your ‘friendship’ sector, there is no way you won’t run into friends from the past whether you want to or not! This is not your decision my dear Taurus, oh no! The Universe has decided to give you the ‘power of revenge’ toward those who have wronged you. Once they see you, they’ll realize just how well you’re doing! And if for some reason if you’re not doing well, at least look as though you are….it will affect them the same way, they’ll be sorry for the nasty deeds that they’ve done to you!

So reconnecting with old friends is a strong possibility this month and not just with they ones who have betrayed you! Look to see positive friends as well! After the 18th, people you’ve attended classes with and didn’t quite keep in touch with, acquaintances who have done you favors with no thought of getting a favor in return or old coworkers who have moved on to new work, but made your job more tolerable while they were on your job, show up! Yes, this will be a month of discovery when it comes to old friends that you like and don’t like! Stay on your toes after the 12th! The Mercury retrograde moves into your ‘career’ sector and you can start making mistakes on the job if you’re not careful.

There is also the chance that you’re paired up with someone you’ve have the worse on the job relationship. If this is the case, quietly go to dept head and request a change. The Mercury retrograde will only make communications horrible between you and your coworker, so don’t even try to rationalize with them, seek higher assistance. The full Moon on Valentines Day puts you in a quiet frame of mind! All the rah, rah about Valentines Day escapes you this year and you will either plan a very secluded date for you and a loved one or plan on being alone and taking yourself out to dinner alone if you don’t have a love. If you are alone, your chances of meeting someone new during the week of Valentines Days is strong, but don’t forget…anything started during the retrograde will end once the retrograde is over! So get phone numbers and wait until after the 28th to start talking! Best Days: 1,2,9,10,19,20,28. Stressful Days: 3,4,17,18,24,25.
Gemini: Because things are so ‘foggy’ for you this month, you’ll be required to rely on the ‘power of your intuition!’ Mercury, your ruler, takes time off from the 6th until the 28th and that leaves you to ‘mentally fend’ for yourself! It’s not as though Mercury has abandoned you my dear Gemini, but it’s planetary energy will be more introverted, causing you… the ‘sign of mental intelligence’ to use more ‘psychic’ means to deal with the world! Oh don’t worry, stop thinking the worse! It doesn’t have to be that bad, especially if you’re ‘in tune’ with your gut instinct. Pay attention to messages and signs. Your angels and guardians are always trying to get your attention and during the Mercury retrograde, you’ll have a chance to ‘tune in’ more closely to the Divine energies around you!

Keep a prayer in your heart at work this month Gemini! The Mercury retrograde ‘hits’ your career sector and this can cause enormous confusion on the job. The interesting thing is that ‘delusional’ Neptune, currently in your career sector can work in your favor to ‘pull off the covers’ of someone on the job who is pretending to be something or someone that they’re not! Look for signs of deception after the 18th. Triple check any second hand information that comes your way this month. Mercury the planet of communication is on hiatus, meaning that you have to carefully sort out every bit of information that comes. Stay on your toes!

Don’t sit around and wait for an invitation for dinner for Valentine’s Day. Make plans for yourself and if a certain person wants to join you to pick up the tab that is fine! Delayed messages, miscommunication and wrong information can ruin your Valentines Day. So stay one step ahead of the mess and make plans whether someone turns up or not! Keep a low profile during the full Moon on the 14th (Valentines Day). Someone can purposely go out of the way to create chaos. Ignore all negative things that happen during that week and just know, that this too will pass and better things are coming! Friends in different states or locations will try to get your attention after the 19th. Chances are you’ll be invited on a trip some time this month. So start dusting off your suitcase and prepare for some quick weekend rendezvous. Truth is you need to get away…even if it is only for a weekend! Best Days: 3,4,12,13,22,23. Stressful Days: 5,6,19,20,26,27.


Cancer: There’s a reason why everything seems to ‘creep along’ for you and the Mercury retrograde will answer a few of your questions? Are you getting a little frustrated with how things are currently going? Are situations slow or none existent? Well, of course Jupiter on vacation, (retrograde) in your sign doesn’t help matters right now, but the Mercury retrograde on the 6th brings spice in your life and allows you to totally ignore Jupiter taking it’s time with it’s a retrograde experience! Cancer, with the Mercury retrograde in your ‘communication’ sector you’ll receive so many invitations to do fun and unusual things that you could care less about the current state of your affairs! If you were having problems getting in touch with certain people, the Mercury retrograde works in your favor.

Expect to suddenly get return calls from people you reached out to months ago! If these are business or work calls, be mindful not to make any agreements until after the 28th, as things can go sour once the retrograde is over. Money issues can be the most important this month! The full Moon on the 14th redirects your attention to ‘cash flow’ matters such as you’re spending too much… too quickly, or that you’re not making enough to keep up with your lifestyle! Once Mercury back tracks into your financial sector on the 12th, you’ll be in a receptive state of mind to do better bookkeeping and to straighten out your bills. Disorganization is your financial enemy this month!

Try not to go overboard on Valentines Day! If you have someone special, being the nurturing soul that you are, chances are you’ve either planned something big or purchased something expensive. If you happen not to have a special person, you’re still going to do things up big! So watch the way you spend your money! Cutting a few corners will save you big financial headaches next month! Work matters can have you edgy, avoid saying or doing anything you might be sorry for! This is a good month for researching new job opportunities. Up date your resume and reconnect with people who can help you reach a higher level on the job! Best Days: 5,6,14,15,24,25. Stressful Days: 1,2,7,8,22,23,28.

Leo: Hopefully money is looking up and you’re not back into a financial hole this month? Everyone knows about your generous nature, saying ‘no’ and sticking with your decision can be a major issue for you! The Mercury retrograde in your financial sector will have no mercy if you’ve slid back into financial unrest. If this is the case, immediately put away your credit cards! Paying everything on time and only using cash in the stores will give you the ‘life line’ you need concerning your money. But your financial problems might not be all your doing! If you’re in a debt-ridden partnership, after the 12th the Mercury retrograde gives you the courage to speak up and suggest making changes in spending and money management with your partner. This might not go over so well with a loved one, so be prepared to put your foot down and take drastic measures.

What is the sense in constantly going backwards with money? The full Moon on Valentines Day offers a few interesting offers. Someone who has liked you for a long time takes a chance to ask you out on a date. If you’re in love, there can be drama in love…as it is obvious that you’re getting too much attention from other people. Try to keep things peaceful this month. With Mercury in your ‘psychic’ sector, you’ll notice details and information about people you never noticed before! Actually this can be an insightful month, and after the 12th you begin to notice things about people who you spend time with such as partners, family members, friends and neighbors and the information is enlightening. Expect to hear inquiries of, ‘is there something wrong with you?’ or, ‘is everything all right? You seem to be acting a little different?’ It’s all true! Because you sense and see things about the person you’d missed before.

Try to avoid arguments. Your mental distance can be taken for something else and loved ones start to panic. Spending more time alone might do justice to your soul, but it can unhinge a relationship! There can be a few details that you’ve ‘psychically gathered’ that need to be analyzed. Also, why not seek mentally stimulating conversations this month. Your mind is thirsty and curious. Pick up a few interesting books and start to read. Best Days: 7,8,17,18,26,27. Stressful Days: 3,4,9,10,24,25.

Virgo: Try to ignore the weird phone calls this month! From the first day that ruler Mercury goes retrograde (on the 6th) you seem to be getting hang ups, odd numbers on your caller ID and someone who calls to listen to your voice without saying anything? Strange right? Well, its only because the Mercury retrograde has ‘eased’ into your relationship sector and every dysfunctional person you’ve had a date with over the past few years now has the urge to call you, but not have the courage to speak to you! How unnerving is that? This happening right on the tail end of the Venus retrograde (on 1/31) suggests that a few people have been missing you, but because the break up was so messy they don’t have the nerve to speak your name!!!

How sad, especially since they seem to be so tortured by not being in your presence. I guess that is their lost! But in the mean time, try to mend things with your current relationship if matters are not as loving as they should be? If you happen to be confused in terms of what to do, try gently having a conversation and ask them what can you do to make the relationship better? The Sun also entering your love sector on the 18th gives enormous growth potential between you and your partner, but if the Mercury retrograde reveals some awful things about your relationship, don’t hesitate one minute to dump it! Yes, retrogrades are very good in ‘digging up’ hidden information and revealing ‘things done in the dark!’

Your Valentines Day can be filled with all sorts of unexpected things happening such as an ex finally gets the nerve to call you and wish you a happy Valentines Day with the hopes off taking you out soon! Or that the person you’re dating will go to great lengths to make this Valentines Day super special. If you’re not in love, there is a word of caution about accepting dates this Valentines Day with people you don’t know…the retrograde can twist communications so badly that going out with someone new can prove to be such a waste of time and energy. Wait until next month before dating for the first time! But don’t sit home without anything to do, call up a few friends and have dinner. Your ‘friendship’ sector is extremely positive as love planet Venus visits. Who knows, a friend can turn into a potential love over night! You might see a few things about them that you didn’t see before and you are pleasantly surprised! Best Days: 1,2,9,10,19,20,28. Stressful Days: 5,6,12,13,26,27.


Libra: Looking a little different this month? Chances are there has been a slight change in your appearance due to ruler Venus requiring an honest look at your physical body and the way you live your life. Now that Venus is moving forward you may have made some very significant lifestyle changes such as transforming your diet, altering your clothing style and making sure your body is physically well. This month, your focus shifts from personal matters to external financial matter, especially what is going on with your job! Watch out Libra! That normally ‘balanced’ personality of yours can be anything but mellow after the 6th, and with the Mercury retrograde affecting the affairs in your employment sector there will be so many lies, secrets and betrayal revealed to you that you’ll have a strong need of making allies with people at work you normally don’t associate with!

Libra…there is strength in numbers and you will discover that you’re not the only person experiencing confusion in your job setting at this time! Remember the saying that the ‘enemy of my enemy…becomes my friend!’ Yes, it’s a good idea to bond for common interests and shared goals on the job! If you need someone to watch your back, then you need to watch the back of someone else! The retrograde gives you an in depth view of your job and you might come to the conclusion that you can do better than this! The revelation of your self worth becomes clear after the 18th, or that the time has come to get a better job! With ‘money magnet’ Venus aligning with ‘abundance’ Jupiter this month, your possibilities for new work is good. This is the time to research what positions, salaries and employment opportunities appeal to you and in March move on them!

Your Valentines Day looks promising! Around the 12th you should be hearing from a person you’ve been longing to get to know better! This is not on old love, but a love that never quite got started…so your Valentine’s Day celebration can be a surprise for you in many ways. There is a very strong warning about old loves returning this month. If you said no to someone in the past, continue to say no in the future. The reasons being that some people never change! Best Days: 3,4,12,13,22,23. Stressful Days: 1,2,7,8,14,15,28.


Scorpio: This can be an extremely good month, or an extremely bad month, depending on your actions! With the Mercury retrograde bringing back old friends and ex loves, you might enjoy yourself tremendously going over old times, but be careful not to over analyze things that happened in the past! The mind is fickle and the memory can be very selective. Old friend may only have good memories about you, but you on the other hand might see things differently! This is a great month to live in the present and leave the past behind. Be extremely watchful of your words! The full Moon on the 14th (Valentines Day) creates enormous tension, and you can unwittingly end solid relationships or ruin good friendships by saying the wrong things.

You’ve never been a person who ‘bites their tongue,’ but the Mercury retrograde on the 6th doesn’t make matters any better as it brings you face to face with people you totally dislike. It’s almost as though you cross paths your worse enemies this month and how you handle them will determine how quickly you ‘spiritually elevate,’ meaning having the ability to find compassion in those who are not compassionate towards you, and doing so will free you from unnecessary hatred and angry. You’ve got too many uplifting things to do and not enough time to do them in. Focus only on the positive! This is a month to control your temper and words by finding other ways of constructively handling your anger.

On Valentine’s Day you can find yourself immersed in too much drama. Someone on the job tries to ruin your weekend of love by giving you a bad work review or requesting that you finish an impending project before the end of the workday, Or that the person you wanted to spend Valentines Day is too tied up to make special plans with you and hoping that you’ll be happy that a simple dinner will do? In either case, drop the stress and make your own plans. You’ll have lots of friends from the past who would love to have dinner or drinks! So get a back up plan just in case your Valentines plans don’t pan out! Avoid confusion with family members during the full Moon on the 14th. A family fight or misunderstanding gets totally out of hand and you’ll start to wonder if these people are really your blood relatives or if there was some mistake done in the hospital at their birth! Keep busy and stay positive this month! Best Days: 5,6,14,15,24,25. Stressful Days: 3,4,9,10,17,18.

Sagittarius: It is important that you save your energy this month and not waste it on useless things! Your planets suggest that you’ve been spending a lot of time trying to make others happy and it may not be working! The truth is that there are some people you can’t make happy no matter how you try, so knowing when to walk away is critical to your inner peace. Starting on the 6th, the Mercury retrograde affects your home and family relationships by turning hidden situations on their head and revealing some needed information. Ask yourself, ‘when was the last time you had an honest conversation with certain family members or with someone you truly love?’ If you’ve been too busy to take time out and find out how others are doing, you’ll have a real chance during the Mercury retrograde to do so.

From the 6th until the 28th your compassion level increases and you gain genuine understanding and patience for those in your personal life. Is there someone who needs your assistance more than usual and you’ve found yourself stressed out because of it? Slow down and watch how grateful they are when you assist them. Remember, ‘what goes around, comes around’, and you might have a need for assistance in your future as well! From their reactions, you’ll know you’re doing the right thing with your time and it won’t bother you as much when you have to make room for them in the future!

This can be extremely busy Mercury retrograde for you!!! With so many people reaching out trying to find out how you’re doing…what you’re doing and if you’re able to meet up soon? With all that social interference you’ll discover that you can’t get much done, because of all the phone calls and phone messages. Expect an invitation to come and visit a friend in another state this month. Of course, if romance is involved, they might persuade you to do this around the Valentines’ Day weekend. Surprises and adventure await you on the weekend of the 14th. And if you have a love, they will equally go out of their way to keep things spicy between you two! If you do take a trip be ware that Mercury retrogrades can cause enormous confusion with travel, luggage and arrangements. Double check everything and make sure you have a back up reservation somewhere else! Just in case! Best Days: 7,8,17,18,26,27. Stressful Days: 5,6,12,13,19,20.

Capricorn: You get some good news this month! The Mercury retrograde starting on the 6th reconnects you with people you’ve been trying to get in touch with for a while, and the reunions can be prosperous! Not only have you been trying to reach a certain person, but believe it or not, you’ve been on their mind as well! Your ‘psychic connections’ with others are strong and you’ll notice that no sooner do you think about a certain person, do they cross your path or pop up out of the blue! Coincidence? I think not Capricorn! Your instincts are right this month and the time has come to change your circle of friends and socialize with people who are beneficial to your spiritual growth and your career progress.

Remember that those you surround yourself with can affect the things that are attracted to you. Positive people attract positive things and negative people only bring trouble! Don’t be afraid of ‘losing’ a few ‘losers’ as friends in exchange for someone who is doing constructive things. If you’re in school, have tests to take or need to study for a future exam, this is the best month to apply your brainpower! Why? ‘Mind’ planet Mercury turning its energy inside out is extremely good for absorbing and retaining information. So if you have problems remembering details, this is the month is study and allow the ‘mental’ fortitude of Mercury to lock info into your brain cells!

Keep an eye on your finances! In order to avoid a cash flow shortage, you have to watch the way you handle your money! The full Moon on the 14th can bring a wake up call regarding over due bills and debts not being paid on time. This can be a great month for getting better organized and structuring your bills. After the 12th making a list of everything you spend on a daily basis will bring awareness to your spending habits as well! And if this hasn’t been the greatest time for love, things can drastically change by Valentines Day. The full Moon brings insight into the motives of a certain person trying to know you better and what you could realize is that you might be missing out on a good thing! New people try to get very serious regarding gaining your attention in romance and if you’re in love, your lover will bring the ‘passion’ needed to keep things on ‘lock down’ in love! Best Days: 1,2,9,10,19,20,28. Stressful Days: 7,8,14,15,22,23.


Aquarius: You get a financial break this month! And it can come unexpectedly and with surprises! Why? The Mercury retrograde on the 6th can be the reason why money starts flowing your way! But, this is not finances from new opportunities, it is monies owed to you, or monies that you’ve lost from some negative financial deal that is now offering a pay back, or you get monies from law suits, or any resources that have been owed to you from past…can find their way in your pocket this month! And, if no one owes you anything, you can find hidden money around your home! In fact, this is a great month to get better organized and in the moving and shuffling things around, you can find lost objects, hidden papers and lost money!! Let this be the reason to do some mid winter cleaning! Besides, the Mercury retrograde is the best time to get everything in order, not just your home.

If you’re love life is in disarray, if your finances are disorganized, if your diet is disgraceful allow the energy of ‘mind’ planet Mercury to assist you in setting goals for improvement! Let’s be honest, you’re not an unreasonable person and you know when it’s time to make changes! Making a budget for your finances is always a good move and holding on to your money is the best move! There can be more surprises ahead for you this month and it’s regarding your love life! The full Moon on the 14th brings a surprise concerning the person you love or about the condition of your life situation in general. Are you happy or miserable in love Aquarius? There has been a lot of ‘questioning’ going on in your romantic situations these days and you want to know that you’re making the right moves.

On Valentines Day a secret can be revealed about something in love! Either the person you love is not the person you think they are, or they is a new someone hot on your trail! Remain calm on Valentines Day in spite of what happens and just know that whatever occurs is happening for your good! You could spend more time concerned about your appearance this month. The Mercury retrograde after the 12th turns it attention to your physical well-being. If you feel good, you’ll probably look good! Pay more attention to your health this month! Best Days: 3,4,12,13,22,23. Stressful Days: 9,10,17,18, 24, 25.

Pisces: This can be an extremely quiet month for you! All of the running around you normally do, or all the busyness you stay involved in comes to a short halt. The reason being that the Mercury retrograde affects you the most from the 6th until the 28th, as it assists you in gaining a keener perspective of what is going on in your life. Question…what do you need the most at this time Pisces? Do you need love, money, peace of mind, or better health? What would make the most improvement in your life? The fact that you have the planets of elevation and expansion on your side is a big plus. ‘Promotional’ Saturn aids you in reaching your goals with hard work, diligence and discipline as ‘expansive’ Jupiter gives you the courage to aspire to reach for something higher and go further with your dreams.

So try not to be so hard on yourself if you tend to be a little disorganized or a bit forgetful. You have other things on your mind and dealing with ‘small’ things can add to your distraction. This is an excellent month to have an honest talk with God and connect with your angels. Pray does the soul good! Seek Divine guidance and ask for insight on the steps your taking. People from the past who have been helpful, or those who have always been in your corner can appear after the 12th. If you get strange phone calls or messages, it might be from someone who is looking to reconnect.

Try not to let the ‘back stabbers’ on your job get under your skin this month! Remember, negative people can sense when something good is headed your way and because of your on coming blessings, they are ‘compelled’ to bother and pick with you! Take it as a sign that something really good is about to happen! Keep your integrity and remind yourself that your situation will be changing in a very positive way! The full Moon on the 14th warns of misunderstandings happening at work. Don’t get caught up in the nonsense. Make it a point of remaining peaceful on Valentines Day. The full Moon can cause emotional distrust between you and your love. If you’re looking for love, someone might disappoint you by not keeping their promise. So, have a backup plan for Valentines Day and invite your other single friends out to shop and dine! Just be thankful that you’re alive!!! Best Days: 5,6,14,15,24,25. Stressful Days: 12,13,19,20,26,27.

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