【總目錄】 【最新文章】 【星座男】 【星座女】 【星座愛情】 【星座排行】 【十二星座】 【生肖】

【詹妮弗】一周運勢/愛情運(2014.1.6 ~ 2014.1.12)

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別對過去所犯的錯誤太過於執著。 你從每一個糾葛中成長, 即使事情不是以「快樂地生活在一起」作結尾。 土星鼓勵你以過往的經歷為借鏡, 而不是重溫過去。太多太多美好的機會在這新的一年裡等著你。


魔羯座:不用太費力就能遇到真命天子(譯者‥Light My Fire)



Aries: March 21-April 19
Sometimes you have a hard time telling the difference between fantasy and reality. You want one thing to be true when the opposite is what's really happening. Mars is showing you that when it comes to managing your love life, you should be more practical. 

Taurus: April 20-May 20
A romantic situation is looking brighter, thanks to Venus. If you're single, maybe you've met somebody fabulous. If you're in a relationship, you could bit hitting a comfortable groove with your honey. Enjoy this well-deserved time when things are improving. 

Gemini: May 21-June 21 
Be more open to pursuing big dreams for yourself. Jupiter is reminding you that you are talented in many ways, and you shouldn't let anybody hold you back. If you're in a relationship, make sure that your sweetheart supports your plans. 

Cancer: June 22-July 22 
You could feel a bit disenchanted with love, wondering if all of that hard work is worth it. The sun is just making you grumpy. This mood will soon pass. Don't mess up a promising romance just because you're feeling a little depressed. 

Leo: July 23-Aug. 22 
You'll benefit from chatting with a friend or two about the latest developments in your love life. The moon is making you impulsive, but don't make any big moves just yet. Get some advice from people who know you better than you know yourself. 

Virgo: Aug. 23-Sept. 22 
You could discover that you're becoming attracted to someone who has simply been a friend to you in the past. Maybe this is more of an emotional bond than a physical one. Even so, Venus says it's probably worth exploring. 

Libra: Sept. 23-Oct. 23 
You're going back and forth about a romantic decision. Maybe you're interested in two people at once and don't know what to do. Or perhaps you're working your way up to asking your girlfriend to marry you. Mars is telling you to be very clear about what you're doing. 

Scorpio: Oct. 24-Nov. 21 
Don't obsess about mistakes from your past. You've grown from each entanglement, even if it didn't end up as "happily ever after." Saturn is urging you to reflect on the old days, but don't try to revisit them. Too many wonderful opportunities await you in the New Year. 

Sagittarius: Nov. 22-Dec. 21 
Somebody is trying to push you around, but don't give in to them. An aggressive moon is creating some intensity in your personal relationships. A lover, friend, or family member might decide that he or she knows what's best for you. Agree to disagree. 

Capricorn: Dec. 22-Jan.19 
Venus is bringing positive energy to your love life. If you're single, you'll find it easier to meet nice people without making too much effort. If you're in a relationship, you'll find that you and your honey are getting along better than ever. 

Aquarius: Jan. 20-Feb. 18 
Mercury will be in your sign for a few weeks, increasing your creative energy and intellectual power. This is a good time to learn something new, create a cool project or piece of art, or find an inventive way to solve an old problem that has been affecting your relationship. 

Pisces: Feb. 19-March 20 
Saturn has you rebuilding things on the personal and professional fronts. You might be changing careers, moving to a new location, or working on getting to know a new sweetheart. Expect progress, fun, and adventure.

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