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【阿莎莉婭】每週心靈占星 2014.1.13-1.19(完成)

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雖然這種懷想有些戲劇化,盡可能與你的感覺同在,因為它能另闢蹊徑,推動你的自愛到達新的高度。週三的滿月要你確證,是否你用盡全身解數自我愛惜。起頭的時候,當事實看起來一樁樁幻滅,要保持行止的正確貌似很困難。然而覺知實則是一種內在的運作,鮮少與他人有關。它總是能夠令你回歸正途。 捫心自問:為何早先我並未看見這樣的自己?

金星現在逆行是相當罕見的。與其他行星相比,它逆行的時間只有7%,因此這個不尋常又有影響力的時間段令你自省,考慮對自己影響最重要的人,地點,還有事件,整理自我與它們之間的關係。現在一切都是關於自我感受。有些關係變得疏遠,因為你的態度轉變過於戲劇化,沒有為曾經強大穩固的關係做出更多的努力。對你而言現在放手是更好的選擇。週三滿月的承諾豁達又令人情緒激動,如果你保持開放的態度,會打開事態所有的可能性。 即使追述舊的話題,一種全新的生活無疑要開始。


巨蟹座滿月于你而言永遠都是意義重大的,因為月亮正是掌管你的行星呀。而這一星象總是發生于年終歲尾(指農曆),因此通常會有內省之需隨之而來,借此對近半年來所有成果加以總結。今年會帶來比以往更多的擴張。同時承蒙木星的助力,這一次將有更多能量伴你左右。此外,這些彙聚一齊的能量在未來一年會為你帶來更多成就。這就要求你為了最好的結果,隨時保持一種專注與開放式的心態。相由心生,我的意思是,你所看到的將會一絲不落的回饋到你身上。(譯注:多看好的地方,心態和表現自然棒棒的) 做到對任何發現都認真負責吧,對此,會有一場重大的內心重組作為回報的。

本週三的滿月會掀起一場高潮,儘管這通常意味著某件事的終結,但對你來說並非如此。本周發生的任何事都是你下一步生活的序曲。重大甚至是強烈緊張的互動要給新能量讓位,這些新能量為全新的前景提供平臺。本週末守護星太陽進入水瓶座,你的觀點會發生改變(這總是你業已轉變時的重要徵象)。那些你整年都孜孜以求的理念突然進入意識層面。你所爭取的事也都可以實施。當你懂得順其自然的必要時,就能真正運用自如了。 無須主動選擇,順其自然即有答案。


你能夠看到新的開始在你的眼前顯現,而且它們與你如此的親近,你幾乎可以張嘴將其吃之。這是你在過去幾年辛勤努力的結果——內在的以及外在的努力。但是,你必須抵制住想要去觸摸這份新奇的誘惑,而是讓它自己發生。要讓你所創造的那個世界展現在你的面前,關鍵就在於實現你的夢想。(相比從前),你現在已經取得很多進展了,但是仍有大量的調整、確認和總結需要去完成。這一切看起來似乎就像是你已經把自己所幹過的事全都抹得不留一絲痕跡,但在這個物質世界裡沒有什麼會是永恆的——人生,總有一些垃圾需要丟棄,而耐心和內心的平靜則是你如今首要的必修課程。 你可以怡然自得地靜觀你所創造的世界在你面前呈現。

過去一年,在將自己提升到更富足、更安逸的版本的過程中,木星的擴張性能量幫了大忙。但正如其他事情一樣,這仍在進程當中,且尚未完結。週三的滿月會指明你已經取得了多大進步,當然,這是積極的、充滿希望的。但盡可能去體會內心最深處感受的需要也浮現出來,並且你越肯這樣做,結果就越好。你的感受,有一部分已屬陳年舊事,你可能正安慰自己你早已不放在心上了。但逆行的金星要求你仔細觀察,看看打從上次梳理這些感受到現在,你究竟走出了有多遠。 當下忍受一點點不舒服,卻能讓你永久性地解決掉那些缺憾。

伴隨著週三滿月而來的,正是守護你的木星,真是再好不過的星相了。這種逐漸增強的效應表現為你的自尊自愛自信在各個方面都有實質性的提升。很不錯是不是?當你無條件、毫無保留的愛惜自己,很快就會看到成效。好好享受你那充滿魅力的能量帶來的歡愉,讓自己的光芒比從前更耀眼幾分。所有的這些自我激勵的新方法,將在本週末給你一些有趣的新體會。其實這正是你一直在尋找的東西,這種新的能力會帶你走向新的成功。 你朝著目標一路打拼,有一天實在走不動了,差點就要放棄的時候,低頭一看,腳下踩著的土地,正是你心中的目的地。原來之前所有的努力,毫釐不差的把你送來了這裡。這大概就是人世間最美好的事情。

各式的新機會都正將自己呈現在你眼前,讓這段日子格外令人振奮。但新事物也會令你擔憂是否有足夠的能力擔當以往並未嘗試過之事。你一貫都是行有餘力之人,而即便是很難讓你相信擁有這一特質,如果你回過頭去,也會發現這一直都是事實。也許人們會擔心你可以借由新的機會做些什麼,也許你甚至會告訴自己這機會並不屬於你。週三的滿月給你帶來完全私人的新選項,但別感覺你必須要在這一分鐘做下決定。即便是你被要求立即給出回答,也先做個深呼吸吧。 就讓它醞釀一番吧,只需片刻時間,你的內心便會為你做出指引。


當下,魚兒正處於一段極富創造力的時期,此階段如魔法般地神奇開啟。有何不可呢?魔法與奇跡無處不在 - 只要一切源自你本心。創意才華更高層次的體現實則是內心的進化成果,它們其實是一回事,你明白嗎?你也許認為,才華是你更高層次的自我所展示的它所取得的成就,這只是自我安慰的說法——你並沒有「取得」任何成就,你只是讓你的自我【成為】其原本的模樣。別猶豫~讓一切創意暢流不息,「肆意暢遊」與「躊躇猶豫」是對立的兩極,雖然(最終)物極必反,但沒有必要再為你自由自在的靈魂設任何限制,你行雲流水的自由天性就是你最偉大的天賦。 它正是魚兒創造力的代言。

New story lines are appearing in your life regarding certain loved ones, past or present. It’s funny, isn’t it, how a person’s presence in your life can be so powerful, long after they’re around? While there may be some drama connected to this remembrance, do your best to stay with the feelings, because they have the power to deliver you to a path that leads to a new level of Self-Love. The Full Moon on Wednesday asks that you be sure you are nurturing your Self in every way you can. It may seem difficult at first to stay on a positive track when facts come out that can be disillusioning. But perception is actually an inside job, and it rarely has anything to do with anyone else. It always leads back to you.

Ask yourself: Why didn’t I see that about myself before?

Your ruler, Venus, is retrograde right now, and that is a pretty rare thing. Of all the planets, Venus goes retrograde less often than all of them, only 7% of the time. That makes this an uncommon and powerful moment for you to turn inward and realign your Self with those people places and things that matter the most to you. It’s all about your feelings now. Some relationships fall away, because your frequency has shifted so dramatically, connections that once were strong and solid dissipate without any effort at all. Letting go should be much easier for you now than ever before. Wednesday’s full Moon promises to be emotionally expansive for you, if you’re willing to remain open to all the possibilities that open up for you.

Despite going back over older themes, your life is undeniably taking on a brand new quality.

You’re back in old territory where certain people places and things are concerned, and even though it’s all been done before, there’s a major difference this time around. Hopefully you’re already aware that that difference is you. You’ve taken some detours this last year that appear to have brought you full circle, but any journey, inner or outer, transforms you. Sometime those changes can be hard to wrap yourself around, but not for you, not this week. The newest qualities you’ve taken on unlock new thinking, and nothing could make you happier than that. Allow new ideas to flourish, and revel in the renewed energy they provide. You haven’t experienced this kind of positivity in a while, courtesy of a full Moon accompanied by Jupiter.

Let these expansive feelings nourish your mind, and revel in the newest version of your Self as it emerges.

The Cancer Full Moon is always a significant event for you, because the Moon is your ruling planet. This lunation always occurs somewhere around the winter solstice, and so it is usually accompanied by a need to go inward and take stock of all the progress you’ve made since your birthday. This year has brought more expansion than usual, courtesy of Jupiter’s transit through your sign, and that means there’s a lot more to integrate this time around. To add to that, the energies are setting up to take you to an even more accomplished position during the year ahead. This requires a centered, open hearted approach for best results. Have a good look in the mirror… that is, observe what those around you are reflecting back at you.

Take responsibility for what you find and a great inner realignment will be the reward.

There’s a big crescendo this week when the Full Moon occurs (on Wednesday), and though big climaxes typically signal the end of an event, that’s not the case for you right now, Leo. Everything that happens this week becomes a prelude to your next chapter. Big, somewhat intense interactions give way to renewed energies that serve as a platform for completely renewed prospects. By the time this week is over, the Sun (your ruling planet) will move into Aquarius and all the reflections in your mirror will change. (That is always a major sign that you have shifted). Ideas you’ve been scrambling for all year fall into your consciousness magically. What you were trying for is yours for the allowing now. While you’ve always understood the need for letting it all be, you’re finally getting the chance to live it.

Choices are making themselves.

You know you’re on the verge of great new changes, but do you realize that you are creating those shifts as you go? All those years of struggling to get to where you want to be are coming to a very significant new chapter. Your inner voice is the key to it all. Check in and be sure you are talking to your Self in a respectful, kind, loving way. Do you relate to you the way you relate to those around you? You are creating your world out of the words you speak to your Self. The great new beginning you know is upon you depends on every single inner word you speak. Wednesday’s Full Moon can show you the power of this Truth, You’re usually inclined to allow others’ needs to influence you so profoundly you neglect your own.

Not this time.

You can see new beginnings manifesting before your eyes, and they’re so close you can almost taste them. This is the result of all the hard work you’ve put in during the past few years, inner and outer. But you must resist the temptation to reach for the newness instead of letting it begin. Allowing the world you’re creating to unfold before you is the key to the successful manifestation of your dreams. A lot of progress has been made, but there’s plenty of tweaking and yes, clearing, still to be done. It may seem as though you’ve cleaned up your act to the point of leaving nothing undone, but that can never be true in this physical world. Here there is always waste that needs discarding. Patience and inner calm are prerequisites now.

The experience of watching your Creation unfold can be exquisite.

Jupiter’s expansive energies have helped you a lot this past year to step up into a more abundant, more comfortable version of your Self. But like everything else, this is a process, and it’s not quite over yet. The Full Moon on Wednesday points out how much progress you’ve already made, and that’s positive and hopeful, for sure. But the need to feel your feelings as deeply as you possibly can is still present, and the more willing you are to do this, the better off you’ll be. Some of what you’re feeling is old stuff, which you may be telling yourself you’ve already moved past. But Venus’s retrograde is asking you to have a closer look and see just how far you’ve come since you last visited these feelings.

Allowing for discomfort now gets you past the lack quotient once and for all.

The Full Moon on Wednesday is accompanied by your ruling planet, Jupiter, and it doesn’t get much better than that. This crescendo will have the effect of adding dimension and substance to your level of self-Love. How great is that? When you Love your Self unconditionally, without reservation, the rewards show up immediately. Allow yourself the joy of experiencing your own very attractive energy as you let your light shine even more powerfully than before. All this new self-empowerment leads to some interesting new concepts toward the end of the week. Actually, this is what you’ve been looking for, this newfound capacity to take yourself to new levels of success.

It’s amazing, isn’t it, how you can take your focus off of the striving to get somewhere and find that all your effort has already delivered you to exactly where you want to be?

All kinds of new opportunities are making themselves known to you, making this a pretty exciting time. But newness can cause you to worry about whether or not you’re enough to take on something you’ve never tried before. You’re always MORE than enough, and even though it’s hard for you to believe that going in, if you look back, you’ll find it’s always been true. You may be worried about what you can do with a new opportunity, you may even tell your Self it’s not for you. Wednesday’s Full Moon brings your new options right up close and personal, but don’t feel you have to make a decision right this minute. Even if you’re being asked for an immediate answer, take a deep breath in and exhale.

Let it simmer, just for a moment and your heart will do the walking for you.

You’re well on your way to new success now, and previously unknown horizons are already calling you. This undoubtedly feels really good to you, to have reached this take off point at last. But with Venus and Jupiter retrograding back into a final opposition, there’s one more very important bridge to cross, and you won’t want to miss this one. It promises to provide you with plenty of sustenance for the journey you are feeling so ready to embark upon. Take a moment to have one final glance in the mirror. That is customary whenever we leave the house to go somewhere important, isn’t it? Relationships reflect the new you and there’s a realization there you don’t want to miss out on. There’s a newfound compassion and kindness to your demeanor.

That nurturing quality was hard-won. Be sure you don’t leave home without it.

You’re in an extremely creative passage right now, and it seems to have opened up magically. Well, why not? Magic and miracles are everywhere, provided you’re coming from the heart. The higher version of creative gifts is a well-developed inner voice. Do you realize that these are one and the same? What you might think of as talent is actually your higher Self expressing what it has already attained. Let that be a comfort to you. You’re not ‘getting’ somewhere, you’re allowing your Self to BE where you already are. Don’t hesitate to let all the creativity flow. Flow and hesitation are polar opposites, and while one will always get you to the other (eventually), there’s no need to put any restrictions on your free spirit any more. Your free-flowing nature is your greatest gift.

It is the very signature of your creative energies.

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