【白羊座】 March 21-April 19
【金牛座】April 20-May 20
You're trying to sort through some deep, dark stuff that's affecting your love life. Saturn is encouraging you to keep doing your homework. You might need to revisit past relationships or abusive situations from your past in order to move forward.
【雙子座】May 21-June 21
別聽別人瞎放屁!太陽曬乾了雙子的耐心,那些已然乾涸甚至有毒的情感關係也暴露無遺。重新開始,或者暫停與某人的聯繫吧。 (這個好像也對上了……)
Don't take any nonsense from people. The sun is making you impatient, and it's also revealing some relationships that have become draining or toxic for you. It's okay to make a fresh start or break off contact with somebody.
【巨蟹座】June 22-July 22
【獅子座】July 23-Aug. 22
With the moon in your sign, your charms will be on full display. People will notice how sexy you are. They'll respond to your warm voice and sparkling eyes. You'll have fun exerting your power and seeing how others react to you .
【處女座】 Aug. 23-Sept. 22
An emotional full moon is bringing all those pent-up frustrations to the surface. You might need to tell your honey what you really think about his mother. You could be tempted to let your ex know what you really thought about his career/butt shape /education level.
【天秤座】 Sept. 23-Oct. 23
Mars is making you the life of the party. If you attend holiday parties, networking events, or cocktail parties, you'll charm everyone with your sexy wit. Along the way, you could meet someone who just happens to be suddenly single.
【天蠍座】Oct. 24-Nov. 2
多愁善感的月亮助力,蝎子終於觸碰到了內心深處對某人的真實情感。 (呵,金逆,呵,蝎子,你究竟有幾十個好妹妹?)也許你終於看清約會的對像是不錯,但卻不是你的真愛。也許你終於看清結婚對象就是那個震撼著你的世界的人。
An emotional moon is helping you get in touch with your true feelings for someone. If you've been dating someone who is nice but not the love of your life, this will become clear. If you're in a marriage with someone who rocks your world, this will become obvious to you.
【射手座】Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Sometimes it's hard for you to see what's right in front of you. That's why talking things over with a good friend is so important. Mercury is encouraging you to get together with a close buddy and share some of your hopes and concerns about life and love .
【摩羯座】 Dec. 22-Jan.19
The sun will be in your sign for a few weeks, and this marks your spiritual New Year period. This is a great time to let go of stuff that no longer works for you and to embrace fresh ideas, healthier relationships, and positive attitudes.
【水瓶座】 Jan. 20-Feb. 18
You're drifting along through multiple time streams, courtesy of the moon. It's okay not to have things figured out just yet. Simply focus on attracting good people into your life, and see what happens with them. Don't try to manipulate or force things.
【雙魚座】 Feb. 19-March 20
Saturn is inspiring you to be more pointed and honest about what you feel. If you're in a relationship that is going nowhere, start talking about it. If you're with someone whom you believe is your soulmate, be more open about your love and affection.
Jennifer Shepherd, the Lipstick Mysticï¿ ½, is an astrologer and syndicated columnist with over 2 million readers. Download your copy of Lipstick Mystic Stars monthly astrology magazine: www.lipstickmystic.com.
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