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【佩妮】每週占星運2013 12.23-12.29

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聖誕節前別再讓自己高速運轉了,我還有必要這樣建議你嗎?如果你沒收到足夠的禮物,足夠的食物,而且還被落在後面遭噓聲一片,那麼還有其他的辦法:你還有明天。 (譯者:好大一朵安慰)總而言之,這幾天充滿壓力,而越放鬆,你及其他人都將會越高興。正如你所料,旅行將面臨挑戰:天王星導致取消,延誤以及煩躁不安的情緒,所以,避免不必要的出行,那些你必須去的就拖到最後一刻再出門吧。對你來說,最大的驚喜,可能是一次表白,或者與你心愛之人的一個特殊時刻。




天秤座——破壞模式!〈譯者: 海曆克斯〉
現在,火星和天王星加入到了聖誕慶典當中,這樣的一種星相組合就如是裝在瓶子裡的硝酸甘油。 【譯註:一種具有爆炸性的液體】因此,你可能會度過一個有生以來最棒的聖誕節,但你也有可能會和你的至親至愛之人發生爭執。這倒不是說你會憤怒乃至是有人會和你做對,而是說你身邊的人出了問題,那些一直積壓在他們心頭的怨憤會突然噴發而出。眼下是一個極易出事故的時期,或是一個令人感到糟糕不已的消息,或是破壞性的事件,因為總有人會不長心。在宇宙的這陣忙前忙後之中也有它積極的一面,你可能會以一種最為愉悅的方式收穫驚喜。





本周絕不是【無趣】這一詞能夠描述的 - 【刺激】【無常】【備受爭議】則更確切。沒錯,天冥刑再次掌管聖誕假日的天象,所以計畫很可能趕不上變化 - 請越少計畫越好。不過這並不是說今年的聖誕就會令你沮喪:遠非如此哦 - 而是你預想不到的情況進展會格外順利。但也別指望難搞之人一夜間會變得甜美溫柔。若你週末去特賣會,小心別衝動購物 - 買到的東西很可能將來要壓箱底好幾年。萬變不離其宗。


The Week Ahead for Aries
23rd Dec 2013 - 29th Dec 2013
This is not your average Christmas. Uranus is guest of honour, which means there will be surprises, especially if your birthday falls on or near 1 April. However, even if you are not among that birthday group leave plenty of room for yourself and everyone else to manoeuvre. Family and friends will not be thinking along quite the same lines, so there could be disappointments and disagreements.

On the plus side, unbeknownst to you, people you love will have made a very special effort on your behalf, enough to inspire some tears of happiness. That’s the point about Uranus – you can steel yourself for the inconvenient and suddenly the most wonderful thing happens.

Plans were made to be changed.

The Week Ahead for Taurus
23rd Dec 2013 - 29th Dec 2013
With seemingly half the world trying to get one place and you another, travel will have its little annoyances. To help you on your way, take the time to plan alternative routes. Indeed, this is a metaphor for the entire holiday. Last moment no-shows and upsets of one sort or another could get in the way of the perfect celebration, so diversify, diversify.

Perfection is overrated, anyway, and sometimes what goes completely pear-shaped, makes for the warmest memories. There’s also a lot to be gained by veering away from the past and generating a new set of traditions. And there’s also a chance that someone could make your Christmas in ways you couldn’t have predicted.

Not in the hand book.

The Week Ahead for Gemini
23rd Dec 2013 - 29th Dec 2013
Is there any point my advising you not to go into overdrive before Christmas finally arrives? If you haven’t got enough gifts, enough food and the goose got left behind in the rush, there will be alternatives; there will be a tomorrow. On balance this is a stressful few days, and the more chilled you are the happier you and everyone else are going to be.

Travel, as you might guess, is going to be challenging: Uranus makes for cancellations, delays and frayed tempers, so avoid non-essential journeys and those you have to take, don’t leave until the last minute. The big surprise for you could be a confession or an extraordinary moment with someone you love.

Christmas with a difference.

The Week Ahead for Cancer
23rd Dec 2013 - 29th Dec 2013
Being the intuitive sign that you are, you probably sense that the coming week is going to contain some mighty moments. In most cases those moments will be powerful because of the happiness they generate, but for a handful of Cancerians, tensions that have been building under the surface will finally find release. The climate is perfect for an emotional storm.

Having this knowledge may be all you need in order to nurse those difficult family members through the minefield that is Christmas, and for you to remember that not everyone has read the handbook on how to understand you! Then again, that cosmic joker could give you a gift you will always treasure.

Mixed blessings.

The Week Ahead for Leo
23rd Dec 2013 - 29th Dec 2013
Who was it that said the best things come in small packages? You may well have reason to echo this sentiment during the course of the next few days. The smallest gestures will have the most profound effect and young member of the family could cause your heart to swell. And then there’s love of the romantic kind, which may well inspire a little gift with an expensive price tag.

Not that everything in the Christmas garden is picture perfect. Mars and Uranus make for fireworks of the verbal kind, and people are unlikely to conceal their displeasure, so prepare to be the mediator and the moderator. Also, don’t overreact if something doesn’t go quite as planned – it’s all part of the joy.

Small is beautiful.

The Week Ahead for Virgo
23rd Dec 2013 - 29th Dec 2013
How much fun can one person have? Or maybe fun isn’t the word, since these Christmas influences are quite the roller-coaster ride – thrills and spills all the way. If it’s not the weather or circumstances beyond everyone’s control that sends your plans into the shredder, it’s the problem with other people failing to constrain themselves when something does not please.

Use your sense of humour to get over minor bumps and major grumps, and by the weekend you’ll be looking back on a Christmas that showed you where love truly lies and just how some people proved themselves to be your champions. Put away the rule nook, though. This is a week with a difference.


The Week Ahead for Libra
23rd Dec 2013 - 29th Dec 2013
Now, who asked Mars and Uranus to the Christmas celebrations? This planetary combination is nitro-glycerine in a bottle so while you may get the sparkliest Christmas ever, you could also fall out with one of your nearest and dearest. It’s not like you to take offence or even to put your foot down, but people may not behave well and those resentments that have been building for a while will suddenly bubble over.

Accidents easily happen now, whether an unfortunate fact emerges or breakages occur because someone wasn’t paying attention. The plus factor to this cosmic merry-go-round is that you could be surprised in the most delightful of ways.

Breaking patterns.

The Week Ahead for Sagittarius
23rd Dec 2013 - 29th Dec 2013
Ring in the new! It’s never too late to try something completely different, and if these influences aren’t opening you up to some exciting experiences, do your level best to take any unexpected developments in your stride. It’s that time of year when people aim to be the best they can be, but somehow it just doesn’t work out that way.

And then, there’s those appliances that break down just when you need them. Back-up plans are essential for the latter part of December, and the smaller your Christmas in terms of people and expense, the better. The real gems to be found in sharing love and memories with those who matter to you.

Riding the roller-coaster.

The Week Ahead for Capricorn
23rd Dec 2013 - 29th Dec 2013
Patterns were meant to be broken, and thanks to Uranus you can get rid of those age-old habits that have so often stood in the path of your progress and happiness. There are many ways in which you can say goodbye to the past, but some Capricorns will be leaving a job they have had for many years while others will be breaking with tradition and spending Christmas in different surroundings.

And even if you believe there is nothing on your agenda that could reflect this forecast, don’t become too complacent: Mars and Uranus have a way of shaking up the most ordinary event and turning it into a pantomime. Be flexible and fearless.

Quite a party.

The Week Ahead for Aquarius
23rd Dec 2013 - 29th Dec 2013
You could be tired of the tinsel already but with Mars and Uranus on the job there are events that could shake you out of your stupor. The last ten days of December are choc-full of surprises, and if you’ve been keeping a secret don’t expect it to remain under wraps for much longer. Likewise, feelings that you may have been withholding could come tumbling out.

Hopefully, you have decided to make some last moment changes which will add to the joy of the season, but should something not quite work out, do your best not to let it interfere with what could be a very special Christmas and New Year. I know this is a cliché, but it could come in handy – everything happens for a reason.

Everything happens for a reason.

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