巨蟹座——最好的處理方式是盡可能的低調〈譯者:Te extraño〉
Schapelle Corby是來自澳大利亞的巨蟹座,由於走私毒品,她在巴厘島的監獄裡已經蹲了整整二十年了。本來她已經可以被釋放了,可是正當她要被假釋的時候,由於兩國間的外交爭端,她所有重獲自由的機會都被切斷,並且她的上訴也全部被駁回。這就是巨蟹座寫照。正當你嘗到自由滋味的時候,小事故也隨之而來。你本來已經把束縛解開了,可現在你又由於未來的未知而處於不確定之中。你並不是遺忘了什麼,只是你需要一些事的發生來推動你前進......但是如果這些該發生的事在短期內並不會發生,又或者永遠不會發生呢?Schapelle Corby會怎麼做呢?她會傻傻地坐著,盯著四面圍牆發呆嗎?又或者四處進行遊說,努力改變現狀,直到她得到援助之手呢?現在不是一廂情願的時候,你應該在停滯不前的地方站起,繼續前行,並且意識到你能得到的最糟的羞辱只不過是讓別人一笑而過的娛樂罷了。所以不要想明天、下周、明年。把注意力全部放到現在怎樣做,你會非常愉快並且吃驚地看到將會發生的事。如果你有小孩,將會有一些關於他們的問題出現。你將會離他們很遠,或者會與他們發生爭執;但是借此你可以消除家庭間的矛盾,並且你將會對未來的發展非常敏感。事實上,你希望大家都能喜歡並且接受你,但是你也希望可以做真正的自己,不懼怕展現自己的缺點。如果這意味著用金錢換取快樂,你會很樂意這麼做。射手座的太陽、你的事業以及人生意向宮中的天王星之間的三分相顯示:週末後,之前關上的大門會開始向你打開。根據你所處的環境,你或許會交上好運,也可能會有人開始改變並且聽取你的意見(同意你所說的話)。請記住,一切當下發生著的事都推動著你向情緒以及財產獨立的方向走,但是本周最好的處理方式是盡可能的低調。這在這周可不是容易做到的哦!
聖誕精神說的就是你——不用再懷疑——它早早地就為你降臨了!這與光臨你星座的太陽有關,它帶來復興、活力和熱情積極的振奮之流。金星也來幫忙,對你的經濟狀況施以援手,如果你近來有任何形式的財務壓力(幾乎所有的射手都遭遇了這方面的困難),本周過後它就不再是個問題了。也許這關係到你如何看待生活(謝天謝地你已重振精神,以更加積極的方式看待問題),你的「底線」(和自尊)貨真價實地得到了提升和改善。宇宙正源源不絕地散發著正能量,伴隨著本週末太陽與天王星形成三合,你做事會以興趣為出發點,心中那個快樂的「內在孩童」也會被你放出來撒野。在你們眼中,整個世界都玩兒瘋了!但天下沒有免費的午餐,在被如此樂觀的能量感染之前,一些既存的問題依然需要你去解決,可能需要你以一種不同以往的方式處理一項事關生意或者整體生活的決定。跟這項決定相關的一系列生命境遇已然重複上演了多次,本次可能是它的最後一幕。但你的選擇會決定,它是終結還是繼續延續下去。如果你領會南北交點傳達的資訊,你的行動便可惠及身邊的人——通過明確你想要什麼和不想要什麼——以及你的優點、長處和責任(除了賺錢方面還有其他......)。「人人為我,我為人人」,此句話蘊含與他人聯合的要素,而這正是你需要開始理解(並採取行動)的地方,因為你此刻所做的事——以及隨之而來的後果——至少要伴隨你一年時間,也有可能,是接下來的30年時間!土爹依然呆在你的業力和隱秘之宮,如果你不低調行事,就會面臨風險......一定要小心、謹慎啊。先前出於考量,你認為此事(譯者:指上上段中提到的那件事= =)不宜聲張,所以它一直以來都在暗中進行著(處於保密狀態),你一直開啟著「守衛模式」。但天象現在表明著,如今你可以對此重新申明你的掌控權了——無論這件事是關於私人方面、你的人生、財政、法律或者職業生涯的。無論如何宇宙都預言了一個更加激動人心的未來(緊隨著令人欣喜的收入上的好消息之後),謝天謝地謝金星。此事可能也涉及到身邊一位與你關係密切之人,但它的結果會直接影響到你的整個生活,和總體意義上的安全感。但毫無疑問的是,你的生命已然掀開了新的一頁。首先是你的又一個太陽返照年的到來,然後在2014年,是你接下來30年生命週期的開端,所以是時候事無巨細地把你的未來計畫從頭到尾仔仔細細地考慮清楚了。
There is a very pleasant beginning to the week that is ideal for meetings, and important ones. Either with a lover or in a job interview or some occasion that you want to impress. In fact this energy s around for a few days so either make a plan to enjoy yourself, or if you are trying to impress a VIP, prospective employer or someone other authority figure this is a great time as Venus is blessing your career house.
Before the weekend some recent career discussions will bear fruit and if you’ve been waiting on a green light you should get it now or else fulfill some other kind of personal ambition.
I keep harping on about your developmental need for liberation and independence – in whatever form best suits you and your circumstances – but when the Sun trines Uranus on the weekend this will usher in some interesting and exciting changes.
In fact you can upend the apple cart and get away with it (in other words, so something radical in a life situation as it will result in an improvement).
How far can you safely push the envelope and enjoy things that are not illegal but at the very least off the record…
What not do something a little wild or at least outside the “norm” and access your inner rebel (that you have kept in a box for a while).
Being a tad crazy and unpredictable for a change will help you to get a different take on life, and in fact you’ll appreciate it more.
You may find unexpected good fortune and acceptance of your enterprising or inventive ideas. You may have increased freedom for your creative self-expression. Unusual and exciting social and romantic opportunities come your way. Doors open, helping you make a step in independent growth.
What do you plan to do with your wild and precious life? Hang with some unusual or eccentric folk, open yourself up to some innovative and enterprising ideas, give vent to your authentic self-expression – or indulge in a passionate romance.
Life's a game and all you have to do, is know how to play it – and if you do… favorable outcomes are the result.
Well now you know for certain the direction a particular matter is headed and it may be exactly what you wanted - or the complete opposite.
Up until now you’ve been a bit unsure as to where this was headed, but the actions (or news that you received) have provided a clear indication of how the land lies. Whilst it’s possible that you can feel a sense of having been bested or outplayed, it’s more likely to mark the beginning of a breakthrough in your favor to a long winded saga.
Something is “not quite right” at home, either in your family unit/home life, the general domestic scene or the home itself. But some set up needs to alter – either be replaced or repaired and it’s time to take action to reclaim (or at the very least improve) your life.
With Jupiter retrograding in your house that corresponds with Gemini you have a four month window to get any of the following areas back on track: communications in any form (writer, internet, PR, media, student), transport, travel, siblings - and everything in your immediate environment – which also ties in with the above “domestic scene” issue.
Start seeing life through a new prism, but it IS necessary for you to get a “reality check” because right now you area mentally and emotionally disordered and even a tad hostile. Your temper is short so expect some testy exchanges, but something does have to give.
Someone you know is acting up (perhaps in your domestic or family scene) but the root cause it that they feel they have failed - either themselves or you - or someone else. But that’s not going to make the exchanges any smoother or easier, and you are coming up against a brick wall.
Thankfully from the weekend onwards, others will become mellower and people could even go out of their way to be accommodating. …and yet weekend sees you having a sudden change of heart.
But whatever has been holding you down emotionally, or a situation that has kept you under control or restrained will be let go of, and you’ll be liberated from this situation. That of course may well be you, and how you act and you have certainly learnt the hard way how to sing for your supper instead of slamming your fist on the table…
What is it about your finances? Or should I say joint finances? Money owed, taxes, debts (including emotional debts). Your ruler aspected Saturn last Monday in your working routines and daily life and in Scorpio. Scorpio rules the 8th house so you will enter the week feeling snowed under by finances : legalities, contractual arrangements, insurance or inheritance matters, taxes etc and will have to make some tough decisions.
There will be some “weighty” dialogue with authority figures, VIP’s government officials, parents or people who are specialists in their field and this may be connected to your family and shared assets. But the tension will only be around for a few days (conjunct energy thankfully only lasts 1-5 days) so perhaps this is already passed and at worst will only last until Friday.
Don’t drop the ball or be derailed by stress or this momentary uncertainty because you are on the right track. You may have anxious moments or doubts about your self-worth and feel as if you have been “curbed” or cramped by life (and what is happening in it) and even feel a loss of identity.
Escapism is appealing but the only “answer” (or way out) is to modify and steer your thinking towards others needs and reach and mend bridges where they are broken. If you are unsure of what to do seek expert help ask a friend or loved one but it’s one of the best moments to reattach “disconnects” (and do this before the end of November).
Handled well you can pull of an emotional coup and break through the seemingly impossible standoff but don’t be afraid of taking an emotional risk. You are reclaiming your power but at the same time you are denying some heart needs and ignoring your fears and physiological weaknesses (that are currently predicated on getting positive feedback and validation from others).
Once you get on top of this situation.. you are on top of it…and as Jimi Hendrix once said When the power of love overcomes the love of power, you will have peace.
There is a Cancerian Australian, Schapelle Corby in a jail in Bali where she has been sitting out a 20 year for drug importation. She was due for parole any day and just as this was about to occurred, there was a diplomatic row between the two countries, virtually scuttling any chance of her liberation and having her appeal rejected as part of the bilateral fallout.
That is a metaphor for Cancer. Just as you got your escape or your taste of freedom, along came glitch. You’ve worked you ring off and now you are in a state of uncertainty with your future is undetermined. You are not in oblivion by any means, but you do need something to happen in order to move forward….but what if that doesn’t happen for ages, or not at all..?
What will Schapelle Corby do? Will she sit and stare at the four walls, or crank up the lobbying efforts and continue to rock the boat until she gets the helping hand she needs?
This is not a time for wishful thinking, but rather to pick up where you left off and keep on grinding away and realize that your worst humiliation is only someone else's momentary entertainment.
So don’t think about tomorrow, or next week or next year. Focus on the here and how and then you’ll be very pleasantly surprised by what transpires.
If you have children there will be some issue relating to them, you are distanced from them or have a falling out and yet conversely you can remove some kind of barrier concerning your home and/or family and you will be very responsive any advances.
In fact you want people to like you and accept you but at the same time for you to be able to be yourself, warts and all and if that means forgoing money for happiness then you will readily do just that. The trine between the Sun in Sagittarius and Uranus in your career and Life Purpose house indicates that after the weekend, doors that have been previously shut will start to open up to you. Depending on your personal circumstances you will either enjoy a stroke of good fortune or someone actually starts to listen to you for a change (and agrees with what you say).
Remember all that is happening is pushing you towards increased independence of the emotional and financial kind, but best way to handle this week, is to lay low when you can. Not an easy thing to do this week.
There was a wonderful soap decades ago for Cashmere Bouquet where a couple is soaking in the bathtub on their private jet. The wife is flicking through a magazine and remarks “Tahiti looks nice” and the husband picks up the phone and says to the pilot “Tahiti James” as the plane changes course. [You know it’s husband and wife because this was 50’s advertising…!].
Well you could well be that husband or that wife, because just like them you are heading towards a more exciting destination because you are exploring ways to widen your personal hemisphere and “bigger really is better". You want more and what you accepted previously doesn’t cut it now (and that applies to your personal relationships as well) and you are going through a huge review of your love life and how you spend your energies (and whether or not you are making the most productive use of them).
This may mean a geographic move (or a travel opportunity), or something that someone (a parent or family member or “senior person” does or says) that will make you joyful and more optimistic about your future.
You are very magnetic and personally powerful now, and your communication skills are electric, and so this could be a welcome announcement - or a change - in a business or career sense or the confirmation of reciprocated feelings in a romance.
Whatever the manifestation you will be feeling quite ecstatic as the Cosmos is releasing you from some kind of restraint and your quality of life goes up a few stratospheres in the process.
The trine between your Ruler and Uranus both in your house of love, creativity, fun and children makes the weekend onwards a stellar time. But you have to follow your bliss and then Cosmos will open doors for you where there were previously only walls.
This is an extravagance time but this is because your spirit thinks this is necessary – but it doesn’t get much better than this.
You have until March 2014 to sort out your philosophical foundation because your perspectives and idealism is undergoing a huge transformation. You need to start figuring out your own values and ideologies, now that you have experienced certain things over the past year that impacted on conscious understanding - and on your conscience.
The key thing is to back your own views and values not those imposed upon you or the ones you think are the “done thing”.
Pare back and get down to basics and figure out how you can be more useful to the world and in the first instance that means translating those lofty ideas into practice.
Venus is bringing a stronger need to express yourself authentically but at the same time you want respect and acceptance (and the source of this seems to be within your family unit rather than in your working life).
There is a fortunate trine on the weekend between your house of transformation and joint assets and your family and domestic scene (and how you deal with your intimate and family relationships in general).
You want both freedom and excitement and with Venus in your house of love, you’ll be more driven to enjoy yourself and seek pleasure and this can result in an affair or at least a flirtation.
If you are a woman this energy increases your chances of conception, so if that’s what you want, get to it!
But this week started with some difficult aspects to your ruler and the area of your family and therefore there may be expected developments concerning material resources – such as property - that you hold in common with another person (such as a mate, family member or business partner). There could be a conclusion to a matter or the start of a new direction.
At the moment all you can focus on is where you may have been let down or upset but that was in the distant future and has little bearing on the decisions that you need to make this week.
Financial documentation may need to be altered in order to achieve a specific goal or outcome.
Venus opposes Jupiter in your home and career, so your work demands may impact upon your home life - or your get the sack and can’t pay the mortgage – this being an extreme manifestation…
Or you have spent money on a renovation or some luxury item for the home, but it’s not what you expected or there is a complication. It’s also possible that you discover something unexpected about your family and home life, or the realization that your domestic life hasn’t turned out quite as you had hoped…
At work (and at home) you have to be more prepared for the
“give and take” and this probably relates in the main to shared household finances. Who pays for what, and the division of financial responsibilities, and if someone else is paying then there is the question of how this may be affecting or impeding your independence.
Some Libran’s are indulging in others generosity just a tad too much - or simply indulging - and that also includes the sensual pleasures. If you are being a bit naughty (and you are in a relationship) that is going to cause problems.
If you are being intransigent over finances, that is going to wear thin also, but you have until March 2014 to get these issues under control and introduce a new approach (or at least a different attitude) towards your finances - and even your life.
In other words work out what is truly meaningful and “valuable” in your life as there is a big transformation going on here to do with shared money issues, joint finances (and ethical or moral dilemmas…).
Being a Libran I must stress there is a difference between intent and doing…
But your finances, career and/or business relationships are erratic - and undergoing change - so it’s best not to commit your time (and certainly not your money) or promise too much this week.
Whilst many Librans are trying to launch a project or a business idea, the next few days will send mixed messages or even throw up opposition to your plans.
There are financial issues that are causing concern - or at least garnering your attention - so take charge of your monetary situation and get on top of any debt (and especially money of the shared variety, including loans).
This is only a passing phase and by next week you will be feeling flush and on top of the world again, and if you have made some solid decisions regarding your finances, then you may even feel a sense of abundance. What a turnaround!
It’s very possible that on the weekend or early next week you receive some great news relating to your work such as a raise/promotion - or else you receive a pleasant surprise about a health matter. You could be given the “all clear” or some other form of good news – like a pregnancy.
It may be that you are in the process of leaving one working environment for another, and as this also affects your daily environment, you could change your surroundings by moving home or leaving a working situation.
Your actions this week are with the future in mind and this may mean emancipating yourself from a restrictive working situation.
You have recently been getting epiphanies, those “ahah” moments when suddenly the way forward is crystal clear. This is a life defining and changing period in your life – not just this week - but for the past year and the next. This can bring a new (and significant relationship), change in your working environment and lifestyle, and even relocation somewhere far, far away.
Saturn through your house of Self is unearthing all kinds of emotional and “deep seated” stuff, in order for you to be less secretive about your feelings and more emotionally authentic and transparent.
This will result at times in some relationship friction, but the upside is a clear understanding of your needs and the needs of those you care about.
In fact it is the area of partnership and close interpersonal relationships that is changing the most, especially until March 2014.
This is going to be very beneficial for you in a working relationship (and your career) because you are becoming more aware of your own talents and skills - independent of the support of others.
How you approach people is changing also (and indeed so is your personality) although this might not become obvious for a while.
The upshot of all of this is that you become closer to someone or pull the plug (or pull the plug on a lifestyle situation).
You certainly have the Christmas spirit - there’s no doubt about that - and it’s come early for you! That has something to do with the Sun lighting up your sign, bringing a sense of revival, vitality and a burst of enthusiasm and optimism. Venus is onside also to help you with your financials, and if there are have any recent financial pressures (and nearly all Sags have had some form of financial concerns) this will no longer be the case after this week.
Maybe it’s how you are looking at life (thanks to your renewed spirit and a more positive way of looking at things) or there are literally improvements to your bottom line (and self esteem).
The Cosmos is doling out the good things, and as the Sun trines Uranus on the weekend, pleasure is at the forefront of your activities and will “release your inner child”. Sags the world over will be letting their hair down and having fun!
But there is no such thing as a free lunch and before this positive energy kicks in you will still have to deal with some situations that arise, that might necessitate a different approach in a business or lifestyle decision.
This may the last of a number of “rounds” to this story, but there appears to be a choice, one that you can make.
If you embrace the message from the nodes, you can help others by your actions - and by knowing what you want or don’t want – and/or by knowing your assets and your liabilities (financial and otherwise..).
There is a joint element to this “one for all and all for one” and that is part of what you need to start understanding (and coming to grips with) because the decisions you make now – and any consequences - you have to live with for a least a year, if not the next thirty.
Saturn is still in the karma and “secret” house, so there can be a risk if you don’t play your cards close to your chest …and very carefully.
This matter may have been kept low key (or even under wraps) because of the nature of whatever it might be, and you’ve been on “holding pattern”. But the Cosmos is suggesting that now you can reclaim your power on this personal, lifestyle, financial, legal or career matter.
At any rate the Cosmos speaks of a growing excitement about the future (as a result of welcome financial news) thanks to Venus.
This can equally involve someone close to you, but the outcome directly impacts upon your lifestyle and overall security.
But it’s safe to say that the next chapter of your life has now arrived. First the start of your solar year and then in 2014 the start of the next 30 years of your life, so this is a prime time to think through your plans carefully.
Like Sagittarius (and especially like Scorpio) there seems to be some good news that the Cosmos wants to deliver (and if not good news per se, then a positive turn of events.
That’s probably just a result of all your efforts and hard work and now you are being rewarded, but if you have been trying to launch some venture, then this week is looking very promising.
Alternatively it might be a loan that has been granted, a certification or a contract or a tender that you’ve been successful at obtaining and if Mercury has slowed down the “go ahead” it arrives now.
You still have until March 2014 to best utilize the energies of your current node transit – which is in the area of your personal creativity – and this could be a creative project or another form of creation – a child.
The past year has seen you trying to join some kind of a group - perhaps even one with humanitarian and social concerns.
But of course being a Cappy you want to stand out from the group and not only be accepted, but also acknowledged for your achievements and input.
At the same time you’ve had to fight against an undertow of insecurity but between now and early next year you should direct your focus on the social (especially humanitarian) rather than personal concerns.
But your connections (especially with a group or your friends) can still throw up moments of self-doubt and confusion and even a bit of hostility. Welcome everything and everyone because if you can work with them rather than against them, this is certainly one of those times to do so. There could equally be a situation that shakes you up in a positive sense, as in you meet someone who “stirs you”.
But there is every reason that on the whole you are getting backing and support and approval everywhere you look (bar some resentment from one person as you have “words” with your mother or a female).
With the trine on the weekend, it’s also possible that you make a decision on a property or some other form of real estate this week. There is also reason for excitement in your domestic and family life that may signify a change of residence or travel.
Suffering from Self doubt? Why are you flagellating and feeling so unsure? You can blame it on both Pluto and the north nodes (the latter until March 2014) that can throw up some curved balls. But it’s more internal stuff as you go through what is (at times) an uncomfortable process of self-examination. This process will result in your transformation but you are taking a second look at yourself, what you offer and how you see yourself in relation to others (especially in your career or other expressions of your public self).
There are positive changes afoot here, resulting in rejuvenation and a rekindling of your enthusiasm. This also impacts on your Life Purpose and career, and what you value or believe in may undergo some kind of metamorphosis.
The 9-5 arrive – “do the job and leave” - type of work won’t cut it now, so you will be exploring a working life that better reflects who you are and what you seek in terms of a life mission (the one that you have only become more privy to over the past year).
Whilst there is a temptation to retire to your nest, pull up the drawbridge and bond with family, you need to go all-out for career achievement. [Some Water bearers are looking backwards rather than forward and seeing comfort in the tied and tested rather than the new].
But whether you realize it or not you are the focus and topic of conversation amongst a lot of people and no doubt that is because you have been networking up a storm during the Sun’s recent transit through your career house.
There could be an offer from overseas (or at a distance) and you may need to go there for a meeting or an interview. There does appear to be much dialogue regarding your career, but it comes with provisos and boundaries and some “clauses”. Perhaps an offer has some kind of restriction or an aspect that you need to discuss, but Venus is helping you behind the scenes and people in authority are looking upon you favorably (and will continue to do so until March 2014). No matter what you think you know now, don’t draw any conclusions about outcomes as it’s going to get better.
Pluto has shaken your confidence or made you invisible (it is the house of the hidden after all) but you will be coming back and making a bigger splash than ever. This week you won’t just get ahead, you’ll begin on a career that will allow you to go all the way to the top (although you will have some naysayers and not everyone is rooting for you).
Don’t be perturbed, it’s not only a time to catch up to your peers, by March 2014 you’ll hold all the Aces.
“Love is lovelier the second time around”…it could be an ex who is back in the picture or someone who has been in the picture all along who now becomes so much more.
You are entering a wonderful passage that that will take you through until 2014 (perfect timing when you can really enjoy life, and love and friendships). Friends and supporters are rallying around you and suggesting that you recognize how alluring you have become since Neptune has brought it’s magic to your sign.
Venus will assist in all forms of friendship and networking and as this is the planet of love, a friend could turn into “the one”. If you have ignored your social circle and friendships, this is a perfect week to begin addressing this part of your world.
Better still you are being rewarded in your career and laying new cornerstones for your future (and bonding with a certain someone). Venus is blessing all your communications right through until March and every Piscean will get at least one piece of wonderful news. Mercury is especially well aspected as the week progresses, but you could still be feeling the effects of the conjunct with Saturn last Monday.
Until this passes (which is only days away) take extra precautions, travelling especially in foreign countries and abide by the laws of the land and don’t cut corners or break any rules.
After the weekend some hurdle disappears and you are back at the wheel of your own destiny, feeling happy and elated and making real progress.
Real progress will occur if you dare to be different and do something new, so mix up your routines and introduce some changes …and watch your life start to take off.
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