【總目錄】 【最新文章】 【星座男】 【星座女】 【星座愛情】 【星座排行】 【十二星座】 【生肖】

【Kristin】星座運勢 2013.11.20--11.26

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部分星座上未翻譯,請再等等 ^^,有提供原文。

最終,某一追求的豐厚回報會抑制內心的空虛,讓你感到相對來講還算有意義。 我說相對有意義是因為,終極意義只存在於內心深處。除你以外的任何人和事都無法永遠填補內心的缺失。 人類的滿足感稍縱即逝,然後會再次被更大的欲望所取代。 本周主宰火星與智慧木星形成撫 慰的角度 ,對情感問題會有全新的清醒認識,説明你撫平舊日傷痕。 11月25日週一,水星和土星在掌管靈魂的天蠍座會面,你終於理解了為什麼要長途跋涉,來到此刻所處的位置。 這一深度覺醒關乎于作出切實的改變,而不再是繼續浪費時間,它將賦予你重新上路的動力。


雙子座——內在的工作會產生深刻的外在結果〈譯者:princesspluto 〉
即使當你深陷在某個追債的塹壕,情緒上的,或者財政上的或者其它方面,你所需要的,雙雙,是一個符號,它將給予你力量,讓你就奮鬥。這就好比,有一個減肥20磅的健康目標,然後看見指針降了5磅,微小的勝利伴隨著煽動火焰的路途並且這週,這會成真。雖然你的守護星水星在直行,但它還是在陰影之下,所以此時我還是建議你先打掃你想前去路途上的殘餘粉塵。這也表明,你正在努力扭轉一些破壞的想法,並沒有做什麼,但你的靈魂的進步放慢步伐。本周繼續做出選擇,打下更堅實的基礎。它是關於設法愛自己多一點,全線和激勵健康的生活習慣。從現在到下週會作出承諾,重建你腳下殘缺的路。你有你需要的所有工具。 內在的工作會產生深刻的外在結果。試試吧,你會看到成效的!

知道如何去促成你想要的結果可能有點像烘培蛋糕。 如果只有麵粉,糖和黃油放在檯子上,不僅是你,任誰都不會知道最後會做出什麼甜點來。那是說需要結合不同的調料才能給自己做出完美的口味。 這對你的情感聯繫一樣有效。 需要融合一定數量的出現和愛,耐心和憐憫,聆聽和體會。需要嘗試也會犯錯。如果你希望大幅度的成長和深層次的親密關係,你要知道那是有風險的哦。這樣說來,脆弱是難以避免的。 這個週末,因為金星在你的關係宮和土星形成強有力的角度, 蟹子你將有能力結合所有對的元素去搞定一段關鍵關係。 土星和木星在你的星座逐步成3分相,有段愛情關係將會被證明抵的住時間的考驗。


在有些方面,沒有比事情週而復始地發生讓人感覺更好的了。從發展的角度來看,不積跬步無以至千里(原文是說積累起來的某事會讓你感覺已經完成了)。這就像馬拉松時你pia pia地沖過了終點線那種驚人的感覺, 尤其是如果你在比賽中無數次懷疑自己是否真的能夠到達終點(不管有什麼樣的懷疑,大貓們都請堅持,努力了不一定有收穫,不努力絕對沒有)。這周某些情緒捲土重來,並不只有你的身心感覺到了,理智上你也會感到像是一把鑰匙剛好哢嗒一聲打開了一把鎖。這週末,象徵和諧的金星與土星在你的情感宮形成了良好相位。到了週一也就是25號,水星與土星會合,為你前方的旅途打造一個全新可靠的計畫~當你擁有了計畫和那個你從靈魂深處信賴的人,就沒什麼能夠打敗你了。


處女座——獲得成就的體驗〈譯者:lady oracle〉




天蠍座——所有未完之事又繞回來了〈譯者:張世雄 〉
所有未完之事又繞回來了。很簡單,這就是因果規律。在遊戲的這個階段無論什麼沒收尾的東西,這個月可能都折返回來了,即使只是感受回來了,而不一定非要是以一個事件的形式回來。時代/時間,將不但決定一個有價值的方式來測量你的個人成長,而且還會引導出一個實質有形的覺知(對於任何殘留的、有必要被切割掉的業力的進程的覺知) 。應該說,不考慮這種種跡象,你是傾向於hold住那些能緊緊把握的事物的,是那種得花很長的進程才能放開手的事物。不過這星期,當金星軟化了你宮位中的土星,你前進的步伐中會有一股新的力量,並且你會感覺到,在一些特定的significant others(譯註:有配偶、情人、家人、朋友多個含義)關係、親密關係、家庭或其他方面,你有了更多的安全。那些門正在以一種良好方式關閉,因你了解並且相信更好的道路已在地平線上招手。信任沒那麼容易只是感受它的到來,因這必須是贏來的。不過,蝎子,本週你已經被授予了這種信任感,這信任將讓你感覺像一個嬰兒回到了安全的子宮! (每次翻克里斯汀都能把人累死,太容易出錯了,每檢查一遍都能發現一處意思譯錯了,現在也不確定全對,貼上原文大家對著看吧)

生活就是當機會到來時當你能夠抓住時抓住它們。 你是這方面的大師級人物,射射,你甚至可以從一開始就鼓動這些機會的生成。 這也是關於認識到一個星像所給予的方向性指引的微妙之處, 而我被星象說服說,另一邊的仲介/獵頭那裡有你的電話。為什麼呢?因為他們知道你正關注著而且會讓周圍的窗子都開著(注,是說你保有開放的心態保有一切可能性)。土星在你的隱秘宮會漸漸和你的支援者木星形成一個很棒的角度在你的靈魂宮直到下個月。這很好地預示了另一邊的連絡人在你的指導下懷著最純粹的目的説明引導你。 在這個週末當金星和土星在你的隱秘宮成和諧相時你將會感受到我正在說的事情。 相信你與生俱來的自然能力,並感知宇宙提供的線索。


雙魚座——引誘你懷疑自我的欺騙或詭計〈譯者:Crystal 〉
放空大腦是使你的靈魂清空迷霧並抵達澄淨的空間的最快的方式。我們知道你更願意探索雙魚座理解的其他方式,但是需要提醒你們很重要的是11月25日水星這個思維引擎將和土星合相。看起來你的思想並沒有解放而是負擔於你這段旅程增加的不必要和毫無根據的恐懼和細節。你本能的知道此刻應該如何應對,並且能帶給自己一個完整的自我和靈魂。鑑於本周金星處於一個能與土星強力同步的足智多謀的宮位,你有能力將計就計戰勝任何試圖引誘你懷疑自我的欺騙或詭計。這也暗示著你擁有天生的創造性的能力抓住那些稍縱即逝的靈感,其中可能包含著可能讓你中大獎的重要信息哦! 相信那些不同尋常的事吧,雖然乍一看可能有點兒古怪但是很快你感覺就會非常到位。


At the end of the day, a productive pursuit toward something that holds relative meaning can curb an empty feeling. I use the term relative because ultimate meaning can only be found within. There is not a thing or a person outside of yourself that will be able to forever feed the inner space. Those feelings of fulfillment are fleeting for all humans and will at some point be replaced with the feeling of, yet again, wanting something more. Your ruler Mars is making an angle of ease to wisdom holder Jupiter this week inducing a fresh feeling of emotional awareness that will help soothe an old heart ache. Mercury joins Saturn in Scorpio on Monday, Nov. 25 in your house of the Soul which will help energize an intellectual understanding of why you had to go through certain chutes to be where you are today. This deepened awareness will serve to motivate you from here on out as it relates to making choices that make a real difference, versus those that feel like a royal waste of time.

A certain sort of Soul harvest is now yours. You can afford to celebrate this milestone!


Security is an illusion. You can do everything in your power to create whatever financial padding you feel is necessary, yet in the end it is not really worth a thing, for ‘you cannot take it with you’. However when the feeling of security is present within the Taurus born, no greater feeling exists. Feeling secure, especially with respect to your survival, is what keeps you grounded and sane. Fortunately for you, this weekend your ruler Venus is making a stabilizing angle to Saturn, representing those things that you need to trust in order to feel secure. Beyond finances, it is in those connections when you extended your trust where you need to feel this security in return. You will experience a safety net this weekend in the form of a connection with someone who continues to show up for you. Your exchanges with another now have enough power to bring this bond to a deeper level of expression. You can trust now that whatever you need to say will be received well and produce positive results.

Honesty, honestly creates the best possible reality!


Even when you are deep in the trenches of some taxing pursuit, emotional, financial or otherwise, all you need Gemini is a sign, and it gives you the energy you need to keep on fighting. Similar to having a health goal of losing twenty pounds and seeing the scale drop five, the mini victories along the way fan the flame and this week this will prove to be true. Even though your ruler Mercury is moving direct, it is in its shadow until my next forecast suggesting you are still sweeping up some of the residual dust from the path you wish to travel. This also suggests that you are working to reverse some of those undermining thoughts that have done nothing but slow down the pace of your Soul’s progress. This week is about continuing to make choices that build a stronger base. it is about finding ways to love yourself a little more and energizing healthier habits across the board. Make a commitment between now and next week to reconstruct a piece of the broken road beneath your feet. You have all the cosmic tools you need.

The inner work produces penetratingly profound outer results. Try it and you shall see!


Knowing how to generate a desirable outcome can be a bit like baking a cake. If there is only flour, sugar and butter sitting on the counter, not you or anyone else is going to know what kind of dessert will be the end result. It will take combining different ingredients to come up with the perfect flavor for your palette. So much of this is true as well in your emotional connections. It takes a combination of the right amount of presence and love, of patience and compassion, and of listening and learning. It takes trial and error. Relationships require risk if you wish to experience greater growth and deeper intimacy. With that said, vulnerability is inevitable. This weekend Cancer you are able to combine all the right ingredients to get it right in a key relationship as Venus in your house of connection makes a strong angle to Saturn. Also with Saturn progressively trining Jupiter in your sign, there is a relationship of the heart that will prove to stand the test of time.

Give it your all and it will give its all, and then some, back to you!


In ways, there is no greater feeling than something coming full circle. From an evolutionary perspective, something culminating can create the sensation of feeling complete. It can be similar to running a marathon and finally crossing the finish line, a tremendous feeling, especially if at times within the race you wondered if your legs would be able to carry you through to the end. Something this week has emotionally come full circle and this experience will not only be known in the heart and body but intellectually it will click like a key fitting a lock. Venus, the planet of harmony is making an angle of grace to Saturn in your house of the emotional body this weekend. Then on Monday, Nov. 25, Mercury will merge with Saturn to initiate a dependable new game plan for the road forward. When you have a plan, one you can trust down deep in your Soul, there is little that can knock you off course.

Trust the timing of the messages that are coming through, either via dream or from an earthly messenger. They will lead you to your next desired destination!


Slowly but surely you will be experiencing a feeling of fruition. Willful Mars is in your sign and syncing up serendipitously with Jupiter, the planet of wisdom. There is nothing like a dose of understanding to help you complete an arduous process and be done with something that has been interrupting your flow. In more practical terms this could represent someone coming into the picture out of the blue to help you clear the obstacle and set a desire in motion. Also Venus in fellow earth sign Capricorn is aligning beautifully with dependable Saturn this weekend to help you further secure a creative project, a job or a partnership. On Monday, Nov. 25, your ruler Mercury joins Saturn and you will finally be taken seriously in the way you deserve.

Prepare to experience your life picking up speed again, free from the dreaded drag. Lighter days are on the way!


All is not lost, the worst is not near and a certain sort of validation is right around the corner. Venus, your beautiful ruler will be rubbing elbows with Saturn, the planet of contracts and reality this weekend. There may be some monetary kickbacks coming through or a legally binding agreement that serves you in the end. Whatever it is, there will be a greater feeling of security that returns and this will allow you to plan better for the coming future knowing now where you stand. Career opportunities also look bright on the horizon as Saturn in your house of how you earn reaches out to Jupiter at the top of your chart in the next month. If nothing else, there will be an emotional balancing, a stabilizing, that once achieved will be a cherished gift in itself.

Prepare to turn a solidly sweet corner!


All things unfinished come back around again. This is simply the law of cause and effect. Whatever may have been unfinished for you at this stage of the game would have returned this month, even if only in feeling, not necessarily will it always return in the form of an event. The times will dictate a valuable way to measure your own personal growth as well as inducing a tangible awareness of any residual karmic threads that need to be clipped. It is fair to say that out of all the signs, you tend to hold on to things with a greater grip which can take the letting go to be a longer process. However this week, there is a new strength in your forward stride as Venus softens Saturn in your sign and you will feel more secure with respect to certain significant others, in intimacy, family or otherwise. Doors are closing in a good way for you know and trust that better roads beckon on the horizon. Trust is not an easy feeling to come by, for this must be earned. However, you are granted this feeling of trust this week Scorpio which will have you feeling like a baby back in the safety of the womb!



Life is about taking those opportunities as they come and grabbing them while you can. You have always been a master at this Sag for you tend to energize their entry from the very beginning. It is also about recognizing the subtlety of a sign that points in a suggested direction. I am convinced the so called agents on the other side have your number. Why? Because they know you are paying attention and will be keeping those peripheral blinds open. Saturn in your house of the unseen will be progressively making a great angle of support to your ruler Jupiter in your house of the Soul for the next month. This bodes well for experiencing contact from the other side from your 'guides’ with the purest of intent to help direct you. You get a taste of what I am talking about this weekend when Venus aligns harmoniously to Saturn in your house of the unseen. Trust in your natural capacity to be conscious of the cosmic clues.

Something is about to strengthen your resolve!


This is positively a page turning time. I realize you may have been feeling as if you have been in ‘slo mo’ and for some of you perhaps feeling as if you have made a complete stop or even worse, a slipping down the mountain. If the latter applied, then know that this is directly related to themes and stories that have been repressed or swept under the emotional rug. There will be a rising up and moving on this week as Venus finds its way to your door this weekend when she connects sweetly to your ruler Saturn, granting you a satisfying feeling of long overdue progress. Mercury, the planet of details teams up with Saturn on Monday, Nov. 25 creating the experience of something finally crystallizing. Celebrate the mini victories Cappy, for this good energy will carry you into your next stride and make the next leg more likely for success!

Something may be far from finished but a piece of it is definitely complete!


Wherever things have become wildly erratic and out of control in areas concerning health, of mind and of body, with Saturn progressively making an anchoring angle to Jupiter in this arena of your chart, things have a solid chance of stabilizing in the next month. It may have felt like a life or death ordeal, perhaps not literally for some, but when then Soul reaches certain key thresholds where choice making is paramount, it can have a way of accelerating the nervous system to alert the Soul to be aware of the significance of this point in time and space. You now have the opportunity to integrate more deeply the trails your Soul has recently traveled allowing you to trust in the significance of this personally poignant process. In turn the skies are blessing you with feeling the unconditional support from on high as Venus in your house of the unseen aligns effortlessly with Saturn this weekend. You find the solid footing you need in order to feel more grounded and engaged in life’s process.

Something is destined to give you a real reason to smile!


The fastest way to clear the fog and arrive at a space of clarity for any Soul is to turn off the mind. We know you prefer to explore other realms of understanding Pisces and it will be important to remind you of this as Mercury, the mental engine will conjunct Saturn on Monday, Nov. 25. Watch that the mind does not take over and burden you with fears and details that are unfounded and unnecessary at this stage of your journey. You naturally know how to stay present and it will serve you well to bring your entire Self and Soul to the here and now. You have the power to outsmart any form of trickery that is trying to induce doubt in your being this week as Venus in your house of ingenuity syncs up strongly to Saturn. This also suggests that you have a natural innovative streak that is streaming through your consciousness so grab ahold of what comes flying through for its content just may help you hit the jackpot!

Trust in the unusual thing that at first appears a bit odd but feels oh so right!

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