Lipstick Mystic love forecast
By JENNIFER SHEPHERD — The Lipstick Mystic
★白羊:忽冷忽熱。 (譯者‥冒險家Amanda)
★金牛:幸福愉悅。 (譯者‥因風飛過)
★雙子:愛情生活似乎令人困惑。 (譯者‥瑪格尼斯)
★巨蟹:木星在啟發你做一些思考。 (譯者‥cheryl.c)
★獅子:更實際點! (譯者‥風人物語)
★處女:待譯 Virgo: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Don't rush into things. Mercury is still in retrograde, which means you shouldn't rush into a mad love affair. It's okay to flirt, to date, and to have fun. Just don't tell all your friends that you' re madly in love-especially if you just met someone three days ago.
★天秤:別人可能在向你施壓。 (譯者‥冒險家Amanda)
如果你沒準備好,千萬別讓父母逼婚了。 (好了解中國國情……)如果現在不想找新人,拒絕朋友安排的相親吧~(我靠,這是中國人寫的吧啊?)太陽告訴你,表屈服~
★天蠍:偶像劇的甜蜜告白 (譯者‥冒險家Amanda)
★射手:海王星讓你變得超級情緒化。 (譯者‥木木)
★魔羯:表達真實的渴望 (譯者‥冒險家Amanda)
★水瓶:你需要注意重要事件 (譯者‥皓皓)
★雙魚:心靈和智慧的交流 (譯者‥睫毛)
Aries: March 21-April 19
There could be an on again, off again feeling to a flirtation. One minute, things are heating up. The next minute, you're not sure if you want to be with this person. The moon says it's okay to experiment and see where it goes.
Taurus: April 20-May 20
Venus is reminding you that you really love being in a safe, consistent relationship with somebody nice. Right now you want to enjoy comfortable routines like cooking dinner with your honey and watching movies together.
Gemini: May 21-June 21
Don't be too hard on yourself if your love life seems confusing. A moon opposition is working against you. It's best to take a short break from all things romantic. Put in some extra hours at work or spend time with your casual friends.
Cancer: June 22-July 22
Jupiter is inspiring you to do some thinking. This is a good time to look into unhealthy patterns you could be bringing to your relationships. Analyze what has gone wrong and what has gone right to find your best romantic formula.
Leo: July 23-Aug. 22
Saturn is telling you to be more practical. If you've been trying too hard to make a long distance romance work, maybe it's time to end it. If you've been spending too much money on a girlfriend or boyfriend who doesn't appreciate your generosity, scale it back.
Virgo: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Don't rush into things. Mercury is still in retrograde, which means you shouldn't rush into a mad love affair. It's okay to flirt, to date, and to have fun. Just don't tell all your friends that you' re madly in love-especially if you just met someone three days ago.
Libra: Sept. 23-Oct. 23
Other people could be putting pressure on you. Don't let your parents intimidate you into marrying someone if you're really not ready. Don't allow your friends to play matchmaker if you don't want to meet anybody new just now. The sun encourages you to be strong.
Scorpio: Oct. 24-Nov. 21
You'll want to make a dramatic gesture this week as Mars makes you super bold. Maybe you'll propose to your sweetheart at a romantic rooftop restaurant. Perhaps you'll make a sexy confession to your new honey. Go for it.
Sagittarius: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Neptune is making you super emotional. You could be thinking about a past relationship that didn't working out, weeping into your morning coffee. Or you might be fantasizing about that hot guy or girl you recently met, thinking this might become a soulmate romance .
Capricorn: Dec. 22-Jan.19
Venus will be in your sign for a while, and this should make you a lot happier about love and relationships in general. You'll find it easier to express what you really want. And you'll be more comfortable with yourself, so you 'll be oozing confidence and charm.
Aquarius: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
As a light-hearted Air sign, sometimes you prefer to avoid serious and heavy discussions. But right now your honey might need you to pay attention. The moon is encouraging you to have a heart to heart chat about important matters.
Pisces: Feb. 19-March 20
You could find yourself attracted to two people at once, thanks to Saturn. One person might be more your physical type while the other person turns you on intellectually and emotionally. You'll have to decide which one of them might prove the best match.
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