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長期縈繞心頭的主題令你對工作越來越失去知覺。在現實世界中的推演方式是這樣的,內心感到某人或某物"運行在鐵軌之上",有一股能量在驅動。但你的心智引擎可能不會精准地意識到捲入其中的變化會深入到哪裡,因為人的智力所及是有極限的。位於靈魂宮位的療愈之星海王星,與正式開始順行的水星構成愉悅的角度;同時,你的主宰火星位於處女座,掌管修復。要相信,即使不能馬上看到可循的外部信號,也會有很多方式影響到你的內心世界。隨著金星靠近並精確對正冥王星,你正努力實現內心世界裡與自我更加親 密的關係。內心變化的改善與深入,會帶來外部現實開天闢地般的巨變,精彩因你而凝聚!修正與淨化。

最偉大的老師是那些被榜樣帶領的人。就在最近,羅馬教皇親吻了一個樣貌醜陋的人,並向世界證明,尤其是那些政客們,人類失落的美德。觀察到這樣一種姿態,亦或被這種熱情,滿是信仰的靈魂所包圍,也並不會一定就改變你的或者任何其他人的內心,但是隨著時間如果你真的渴望改變而且持續的成長在這樣無私的環境下,他們純潔的本性會改變你(原文用了擦掉,拭去這個詞,意指幫你把不好的特質剔出)。 蟹子們,你很感 性,且你生來就知道如何理解他人。不管你擁有怎樣的負面情緒,那都是你生活裡或者過去的歲月裡的經驗。有時,當舊日的情緒襲來,想要一直保持無私純潔的付出將是種挑戰。水星現在順行了,而且和神聖的海王星成完美角度。在一段重要的關係中,無論被如何對待,你都在適當的扮演著聖人的角色。保持你最高的自我,不管什麼樣的戲劇在上演。至此,你將不僅閃耀且安然度過,毫髮未傷, 更強。在這周,請準備經歷真實的治癒帶來的革命性的飛躍。

天平座——陷入兩難境地〈譯者:孫小美 (轉自瑪法達)〉

天蠍座——「你先要求,然後實現」〈譯者:孫小美 (轉自瑪法達)〉




The issue of trust is high on your radar screen this week as your ruler Venus forms a conjunction to Pluto on Friday, Nov. 15 in Capricorn. Avoid the tendency to pre-judge or jump to too many conclusions regarding matters of the heart until you get the proof you need to substantiate whatever is causing suspicion. There can be the tendency to project your past onto the present as old themes are working to culminate at the same time new themes are fixing to begin. You are officially straddling an evolutionary threshold that has enough oomph to help you either enter more profound relationships or significantly deepen the relationships you are already in. This week it is about not compromising on your truth and attracting others that hold the same set of values.

As a result you may be saying ‘ so long’ to connections that don’t measure up to your definition of what holds meaning and you will be investing your time with only those ties that reflect the spirit of equality!

Though your ruler Mercury's retrograde run is over, it will be another few weeks before it covers the ground it recently lost. It is a good thing in a way, in that it allows you to move forward gradually with more conscious footing and more deliberate choice making. Recent weeks have been teaching you something about the journey of your Soul and the lessons learned as a result are now going to be put to the test. Mercury will form a conjunction to the transiting North Node, the symbol for your destiny on Monday, Nov. 18 as you work to secure some new themes in the area of your life connected to habits, overall health and how you structure your time. One simple yet powerful shift in how you direct your energy on a daily basis could make all the difference in the world.

As Mercury now forms a trine Neptune, your efforts will be recognized and rewarded from on high!

I know you know how to be an incredibly generous friend to others but how good of a friend do you know how to be to yourself? Have you been learning the tricks of the trade in recent weeks? As you may have been repeatedly thrown back on yourself for various reasons requiring you to dig in to comfort and uplift yourself. It would be helpful to reflect upon times when you were on top of the world and feeling larger than life for it will help fuel the kind of confidence that you need to feel in yourself again. All the best get tested. In the movie "Ender’s Game", strategically brilliant Ender Wiggin is delivered the ultimate test to see how he handles humility, the most critical step before he is is allowed to graduate from Battle School. Perhaps you can relate to his emotion at this stage. But he overcomes the toughest of tests, and so have you, and will you if you still find yourself in the thick of things.

Mercury moves direct and makes an elevating angle to Neptune in your house of the Soul, suggesting if you can master your mind this week and turn it around to serve you, you too will 'graduate' which will give you a real reason to celebrate!

With your ruler Mercury now moving direct and making an enlightening angle to Neptune, the planet of taking the high road, in your house of relationships, an olive branch may be extended with respect to a key other. Peace when there has been hardship is a priceless emotion and with Mercury also making its way to form an angle of ease to Venus, it will serve to help support a better way forward together. Mars, the planet of courage and confidence is also still in your sign for three more weeks and will not return to help you in this way again for another two years so find a way to take charge of the direction of your life now. On Monday, Nov. 18, Mercury merges with the North Node, the symbol for your destiny, in Scorpio suggesting a day that marks the beginning of an empowering Soul chapter.

If nothing else, it symbolizes a new start with respect with the way you move and in the way that you think, far for the better!

Even with considerable energetic support as three planets as well as the North Node, the symbol for your destiny, have been convening in fellow water sign Scorpio, it may have still been feeling as if your life were a bit on hold or off course. Now that Mercury is direct in Scorpio your eyes will have a way of finding that horizon again with a clear way to proceed. It will take a few weeks for Mercury to pick up speed and cover the distance it appeared to have lost, but before it does, you are graced with a gift. Mercury will connect again, this time while moving forward, to your ruler Neptune, in your sign. Consider this to symbolize the cosmic genie granting you one wish. My suggestion is to ask for something that will create a positive ripple effect that will pave the way for more versus say asking for something material or for someone you love to love you back. Ask for understanding or insight. Ask to know the truth of something or ask for an experience that will get you in touch with your Soul’s right work. This week represents the beginning of something profound.

Stay open, as you so naturally already are, and the road sign will be well lit!

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