【總目錄】 【最新文章】 【星座男】 【星座女】 【星座愛情】 【星座排行】 【十二星座】 【生肖】

【詹妮弗】一周愛情運:2013/4/29 ~ 5/5


文:Jennifer Shepherd 各星座翻譯:哈利波熊


Aries: March 21-April 19
You could clash with someone over political ideals, religious views, or cultural traditions. Saturn is showing you that it's a big world out there and not everybody is like you. Try to embrace those differences. Who knows? You could enjoy an unexpected flirtation.


Taurus: April 20-May 20
You could be thinking about moving to a far away location or making some changes to your existing home. Mars is inspiring you to improve your environment. See if you can get your honey to help you and include him or her in your plans.


Gemini: May 21-June 21
You hate rules and restrictions, but you'll need to learn to work with both. Maybe you have to deal with a child custody arrangement that isn't ideal. Or perhaps you and your partner are trying to figure out a better monthly budget. Jupiter says keep working at it.


Cancer: June 22-July 22
With the moon opposite your sign, this isn't the best time to start dating someone. And if you're in a relationship, scheduling conflicts or other distractions might prevent the two of you from truly enjoying each other's company. Be patient.


Leo: July 23-Aug. 22
It's important to look at all sides of a situation before making a move. The moon is showing you that you need to do more research. Don't jump into a commitment with someone until you feel really, really ready to do so.


Virgo: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
This is a good time to take some breaks or travel with your sweetheart. Schedule a weekend getaway. Or head to a park and take a long bike ride or drive. Venus is encouraging you to just chill out and enjoy being with your honey.


Libra: Sept. 23-Oct. 23
You might not choose the best words this week as Mercury puts you in a fighting mood. Don't tell your girlfriend that that dress makes her look fat. Don't ask your guy why he's losing so much hair. Avoid making insults, taunts, or sly put-downs.


Scorpio: Oct. 24-Nov. 2
As Mercury moves opposite your sign, you'll want to double-check all communications to make sure you don't make major errors. Scan text messages for fatal spelling errors. Don't send a lusty email to your lover and accidentally copy it to your boss and coworkers.


Sagittarius: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
It's important to find a balance between your work life and social life. Right now, you might just want to spend all your time with a new love. But Jupiter is reminding you that sometimes you need to show up at the office, too.


Capricorn: Dec. 22-Jan.19
You'll enjoy being close to your honey as Venus puts you in a cozy mood. Don't let work obligations spoil quality time with your partner. Give your sweetheart your exclusive attention and celebrate being together.


Aquarius: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
A bouncy moon is increasing your need to flirt. You'll seek attention from anybody who will notice you. Along the way, you might actually meet someone who wants to date you. Enjoy this unusual yet enticing development.


Pisces: Feb. 19-March 20
Things are changing in both your work life and home life. Go with the flow. The moon is helping to guide you with making some great decisions that will impact your long-term future. This is the time to make your dreams come true.Jennifer's new book about her real life time traveling adventures will help you find your best possible timeline.

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