今年吧,小羊們,有老多老多的工作要做啦——並且吧,很有希望這些事都是幸運的——可能吧你想給浪漫愛情開綠燈。 (當然啦,如果你已婚,愛情就是天天要面對嗒)。然而,宇宙可能有其他想法噢。 1、2、6、7月,守護星途徑羊的性感宮,讓你的性慾蠢蠢欲動、極其敏感–——然而,可能會過於敏感蠢蠢欲動了,可能出現婚外情。你想有所改變,人生中深入的改變,性(還有經濟行為)成為你做出的首要改變。 3到4月、8/9月需求降低,開始冷靜哲學性的來看待愛情關係。某些羊可能會結婚,不過,大部分羊仍會拖延抗拒,因為你的幸運點持續在工作領域而非愛情領域。9月開啟新世界,愛情箴言。從9月到17年10月,單身羊會遇到至少一位(很可能是2位)潛在的人生伴侶。一個鮮活、友好、歡樂;另一個則優雅、內斂;不過二者均散發出特殊的冷靜氣質,平穩流暢的為你展示:大門已經為你開啟,你是否願意一試。
3月中旬前愛情都是友好的。 4月份,小羊們看起來很棒、能夠吸引到甜蜜的人兒。 5月性感吸引(但長久來看,卻是乏味無聊的)。浪漫波濤甚至是火焰從7月中旬一直燃燒到8月。秋日里湧現甜蜜感情,讓你夢想親密。偉大的友誼、社交活動點亮11、12月。 2017年2月——小宇宙爆發,能得到想要的一切!
2月或許會帶來美好的,漂亮的計劃,某人會改變你的想法(太罕見了!)並且會向你展示出更好的看法/道理來讓你適應。 3月非常利於社交,並且帶來鮮亮的浪漫(友善的天性雖然讓你的心不會怦怦跳動,但你的笑聲是快活的)。正如它鮮亮的那樣,它並非是最適合你的:不要在這個月交出你的心;這或許會讓你遭到一次“友善的挫折”。
6月/7月,類似於1月/2月份的強度回歸。如今,儘管,你擁有精力與魅力與這次的強度會面,並且成功的處理。 8月/9月會帶來熾熱的慾望!如此一個上上下下年,只有堅定與忠實會讓你在浪漫中得到幸運。 10月有利於工作,但甜心也會吸引你的眼球。 11月/12月帶來重要的關係(或發展),但事業或父母的需求也會帶來壓力。
9月之前,雙子你很難在浪漫領域有一個穩步的進展。 (不過看起來似乎是有兩個——這就是為什麼沒有一個人你能夠抓得住和在一起的原因。Ps:看樣是選擇性困難。)你在愛情上的態度保持停滯的狀態沒想要主動出擊。如果現在你有一個穩定的戀人,雙子座,那麼你們將會繼續愛下去,最終會組建一個舒適,完美的家庭。家裡充滿了和平和愛的光芒(如果你是年輕的雙子,那麼你家裡可能至少有兩個孩子)。然而,直到9月,大部分雙子更樂意待在家中,放鬆和思考,將浪漫和約會看成是一件苦差事。儘管如此,今年3月-5月,8月和9月,關係方面仍然會帶來興奮和熱烈的能量,你對和某人的關係感到非常的樂觀,不過,關係狀態可能是這樣的兩個極端:有強烈的吸引力和在一起的衝動,或是激烈的爭吵和無情的拒絕。在這兩個區間和別人打交道時,你會變得喜怒無常,熱烈,好動,或是樂觀的過了頭。
一個好朋友(或一個伴侶)可能會非常憤怒,因為你刺痛了他的夢想和希望。整年,你會將身邊人的關係協調的很好,不論比你年輕還是年長。 9月下旬開始(一整年),給你帶來一個甜蜜的,浪漫的生命時光(在84年的周期裡這種事只能發生6次)。 10月就能看到愛的曙光,關係可能迅速進展,性和諧,相互間十分融洽,但是要收斂好自己的鋒芒心甘情願的去接受他人對你的附庸。你可能不得不面對一個愛人對你的情感依戀,可能你們之間的關係很早之前就已經結束了(ex嗎)。 11月12月遇到的人可能會和你最終步入婚姻,或者是給自己的婚姻帶來新的浪漫提升。
直到九月,小股的暗流會有助於你和你想愛或者正愛的人溝通與交好。但是巨大的趨勢(2009到2025)暗示著你會遇到既是你的真愛,也會以深刻的方式擾動你心靈的人。但是記住,2016年是這17年的過程中唯一可能發生這種情況的一年。所以你可能已經遇到了TA,或者2025年前你會遇到。某種程度上講,命運的徘徊在時間和這個人中有了線索。如果你結婚了,你和你的伴侶已經或者即將開始一場角力,如果那沒能讓你們分開,那便會將你們緊緊纏繞在一起,永遠都不會讓你們分開。1月到3月4日之間,強烈的愛會猛烈第攪動你的心,整個6月到7月這種感覺會再次襲來。你會有比平時更多浪漫的勇氣和磁場。在以上的日子裡也要對孩子們溫柔一點。然而你也得適應2016 的躁動不安又充滿兩面性,因為你既可能在3月到5月、8月和9月時離愛情遠遠的,這幾個月你的工作會非常繁重,讓你無暇顧及愛情。同時,三月又可能會帶來某個貼心又溫柔的人,這個人的想法或是生活方式激起你的興趣——小心,你和他可能沒什麼結果。五月會有一系列的愉快社交,並讓你對一個特別的人燃起希望。 8月和9月帶來一個有吸引力的朋友,有可能發展為愛情。
9月開始會有為期一年的家庭方面的美好——2017年秋季前,你可能會買一部新手機並在接下來的幾年都對它很滿意。單身者們可能會充滿愛意地著眼於新的房子。十月和十一月加強了“成熟”的感情——平等的愛,這會帶來愛意,爭吵或者一個“激進的伴侶”。 12月和2017年2月,帶來性和身體上的吸引。這一整年,巨蟹,同居都是不錯的,只是別結婚。這樣的情形下,請記住:正式的緊緊捆綁在一起的親密關係的延遲,事實上對你有好處的。
家的爭端,矛盾,沮喪,婚約的中斷都可能會發生。然後在3月-5月,8月和9月會帶來新一波浪漫能量的提升。 2月底到3月中會帶來一個潛在的甜蜜的生活伴侶,但3月份你只是因為出於慾望而追逐某人的話,最終會有失望產生。 6月帶來快樂,活潑的朋友,但卻沒有一個人是讓你滿意的結婚對象。 7月開始你的魅力開始吸引到別人,8月和9月這種能量持續上升,你變得非常自信,有人可能瘋狂的愛上了你,也可能是你瘋狂的愛上了別人。
從2009年到2024年,如果你是一個單身的處女座,你遇到的一個朋友很可能會變成一個偉大的愛人,在2011年到2026年之間,如果你單身,幾乎可以肯定你一定會遇到一個令你滿意的終身伴侶。把握住機會,這對你來說是美妙的事情。然而,從現在到17年5月之間,對你來說明智的選擇是不要結婚也不要和任何人走到一起。然而,可能2015年11月12日以前你遇到了某個人,這個人可能讓你很困惑,但最好2017年5月以後在結婚(你可以繼續保持對她的興趣),事實上,與去年11月12日之前遇到的人持續下去對你來說遠比在去年11月12以到17年5月9日之間遇到的人要好得多。前景是廣闊的,浪漫領域和友誼方面也保持開放性,也可以有肉體上的親密體驗,但就是不要在那之前結婚。你是非常堅強,認真,嚴肅,實際的,在愛里你是慢熱的。現在(2011-2026年)你喜歡的人可能跟你是完全相反的類型:迷糊,優柔寡斷,愛做夢,很難給你承諾--甚至在身體上,當你想要擁抱他們的時候,他們似乎就消失了,讓你感覺非常的不真實。然而,當他們來擁抱你的時候,他們可能感覺就像抱著一塊冰冷的石頭,一顆沒有心的樹一樣。你的情緒是直接和生硬的,這個人的情緒卻是溫柔瀰漫的,你們在一起的時候你可能感覺即沮喪卻又放不下對他的興趣。但這是一種很大的可能性,處女座。 1月/2月/6月/7月你會非常的不安和躁動,你的心里和你的話題裡充斥著和性相關的東西(發情了嗎,捂臉),今年3月,上面描述的那個不可捉摸的類型的人可能就會出現了,對你來說這是一個非常重要的事情——如果這個人主動來追求你,那麼可能她注定了要成為你未來的另一半,但如果反過來,需要你不斷地去追逐她,卻很難抓到手的感覺,那麼你應該轉身就走,毫不猶豫,除非你想要讓自己的玻璃心被傷的碎一地玻璃渣。今年3月-5月,8、9兩個月,在家裡你可能變得非常獨裁——請善待自己的孩子。
但這段時間也可能是僅僅以一段風流韻事而結束,再無其他主題。 9月你可能會對某樣東西產生很大的興趣,10月、11月你浪漫的一面被激發,讓你在愛里充滿了勇氣。 12月重點關注家庭和事業問題,但是2017年1月會再次為你帶來浪漫的能量,從9月開始(直到2017年秋天),擁抱別人的感受會更容易。不要和那個讓你感到懷疑的、不喜歡的人發生性關係,因為那樣的話可能會讓你貽誤終身。(他/她可以互換,懶得都打了)
天平座,直到九月,你都處於一種休息的狀態,這段時間用來作為愛情的準備階段的話比處於亂七八糟的追逐愛情階段更有價值。這些月份是一個去沉思你到底想在愛中得到什麼的好時機。如果你年長的話,這是一個去檢驗過去和思索你為什麼會走到這個境界的好時機。你可以回憶之前的關係,通過這個來直到你應該愛什麼樣的人。在尋找伴侶的征戰中,這是一半的戰役。九月開始了為期一年(到2017年十月)的好運,快樂和友情。你會吸引別人,因為一個積極向上的情緒會一直吸引。這可以帶來極大的歡樂或者是友愛的戀情。就這點來說,這個並不是極棒的。然而,直到2018年中期,任何形式的戀情都可以快速的引領向婚姻 - 或者對於一個友好的,不穩定的,無法預測的愛情來說,可能會隨時變成婚姻,或者分手。你不會感到無聊的!
整年(事實上,2009到2024)一個家庭的問題可能會干涉你的愛情。 (一個極端例子是,你可能想去談戀愛,但是你已經結婚了,或者你爸爸不讓你出門,或者你的生活環境讓你不想把另一半請到家裡來。)你可以很大程度上的解決這個家庭問題。這個雖然需要很大的努力,但是它會讓你的愛情生活重獲“自由”,讓你的愛情生活長上翅膀。這個家庭問題可能會在你自己心中:比如IBS(譯者:這是啥?),你的兒童時期的陰影等等。為了降低這個家庭問題的影響,不要在一月,四月,六月或者十月開始一段新戀情。抓住或者解開這些問題,請利用相同的月份。
各種調情從一月開始,成堆成堆得襲來,在二月結束,拉你回來,思索發生的事情,以便做出決定,三月帶來純情浪漫,但是要銘記我之前的警告,四月是工作月,但你可能會跟某個切實可行的生活伴侶有所溝通,5月感情有些困惑,好在6月一切變得明快,做出判斷:這傢伙是不是真心對我的? 7月甜蜜,明智的愛戀慢慢升起,9月相當友好,愛情之花在社交聚會中盛開,11月,你會引起注意和愛慕,但是那時的你已深知愛情的複雜,等待你的,只是自身的決定而已。
”呸, 你騙誰呢!” 可能正是你對愛情這一議題的反應----在秋天之前, 你會一直這樣, 但之後就大變樣了哦. 一直到9月末, 你在事業、社會地位或者類似的領域內將有所擴張與發展, 好運連連, 而這恰恰讓你沒時間顧忌感情. 此外, 從2015到現在, 你已經成長了不少, 人也成熟了許多(這一進程將持續至2017年末尾). 你頭腦明晰, 正以一種相當正經的態度審視你的生活---- 我已經不小了, 手上的錢夠了麼?雖然你忙於事業(或許你是在極力壓制內心的情感), 你卻會時不時地變身為超能情聖---- 隨時準備著以全新的熱情、勇氣和決心贏得愛情. 從3月5日到5月末整整三個月, 以及8月、9月, 這種熱情和勇氣將成為吸引異性(如果你是同, 就是吸引同性) 的製勝法寶. (在4月中旬到6月, 你對於愛情或許會搖擺不定, 尤其是你是男性的話.) 上述具有衝擊力的、突然的愛情會被處於另一個極端的時段平衡---- 1月到3月初, 還有6、7兩個月, 你將處於”壓制”的狀態中, 感情不知道為什麼就是不順, 或者你直接在感情的道路上撞上了艱難險阻. (如果你已經和那個ta在一起了, 這些”坎坷時段”這會成為你儂我儂的時期.)
也就是說, 在秋天之前, 愛情不是在這個極端, 就是在那個極端: 一開始, 你總是壓抑內心不讓愛情進門, 或者愛情根本不來敲門(比如: 1、2月); 之後的它卻又像反作用力一樣, 哐的一下打回來(比如: 3到5月), 因為它的法則本來就是這樣的. 但是, 到了9月, 這種一會兒上天一會下地的局面就會結束:你將開啟”願望成真”的一整年, 這包括了你對愛情的期許哦. 從這個時候起, 你的社交生活會很容易開展, 你會樂於其中. 你的圈子中可能出現一個金光閃閃的男/女神. 你一開始也許只是把ta當朋友, 之後就可能發展成戀人, 甚至一生的伴侶. ta很可能是一個大氣、自如、機智的人---- 當ta遇上真愛, ta就會想到結婚, 肯定!
直到9月底,小魔們都身處兩段浪漫影響中的一段。這可不是浪漫句點。這可是能夠變成婚禮或者長久愛情的浪漫。這一周期裡,小魔們將找到愛情——抓住你的心你的智。可能會遇到某人,TA的想法、理想、建議、渴望都對你有益——儘管可能幾個月、甚至幾年裡你都沒意識到這一點。如果/當你出國旅行、上高等院校、從事律師職業或是僱傭一位律師、從事媒體、出版、宗教、哲學及文化事業時,更可能遇到潛在的愛情。對你而言,圖書館比海灘更容易找到真愛。從廣義上講,你正處於一段艱難/奇異期(2009-2024)——間或著感到孤獨、被誤解、樂觀、貌似某個願望就要實現了。 1——3月初、7、8月,某個願望可能真的會以復雜的方式實現了。在這4個月裡,社交行程滿滿,某個社交團體(或者是俱樂部或者是政治團體)中的可能出現一個自信、稍有脾氣暴躁、幽默的人——第一眼就給予你信號— —或者可能只是走上前就征服了你。不過,同樣是這個人——或者是你在團隊中感興趣的那個人——可能突然就結束了。我說過這挺複雜的!如果你希望這個人能夠長久,在花園派對、 廚房和餐廳、家庭及孩子(如果有的話)周圍開始這段關係——任何跟“家”有關的,因為這段愛情需要“家庭”才能存活。 3——5月、8、9月,可能你會感小貼士:3月份小心你正在追逐的人:深入了解,深入了解雙方的動機。甜蜜、純潔的浪漫盛開於5月。 7月帶來完全相反的吸引——異性相吸。 8月滿滿都是性、色情,某人到來,為你的甜言蜜語、完全進入你的意識世界。 9月帶來廣泛意義上的浪漫,一些小事情(如果拉個小手、約個小會)都變得很輕鬆容易。
9月底開啟為期一年的職業、地位、工作、政治幸運期。愛情很忙,10、11月魅力爆棚井噴。如果你是單身狗,輕鬆友好的愛情會開啟。 2017年1月出現“錯的人”,17年3月錯的人但是對的愛情(某椒:精分嘛)。這些中的任何一段都能導致婚姻:更像是階級基礎的聯姻而非真愛(也能行)。不過,10月到17年都要小心、謹慎、警惕、自知之明。
水瓶座,認清激情和愛情的區別! (激情,是想讓一個人成為一個可以供你實行你的慾望的物品。而愛情沒有實體;它不需要滋養來存活;它讓某人成為一束光,這光芒照亮著你。) 2016的頭八個月會讓你沉浸在激情中。 (除非你拒絕這種想法,埋頭於理財和工作當中- 這是每一個水瓶在2016通向獲利和財富的道路- 或者結婚了的話,你必須走的一條義務性質的道路。許多結婚了的水瓶座會迎來一個新生兒。) 這個激情不一定是一件壞事,只要你保持忠誠並且堅決避開婚外“機遇”的話。但是你要意識到,一段開始於2015八月和2016年9月間的戀情,結婚的話,可能會是一段缺少忠誠的婚姻。從三月前期到五月後期,和六月/八月,你會有很多社交機會,並且認識很多新的人。在這些社交喜悅中,一個你一直覺得很輕鬆的朋友可能會向你靠近 - 當然你和他/她可以從朋友成為輕鬆的、快樂的、智慧的情侶,甚至伴侶。但是當心三月開始的吸引 - 你之後會發現你自己被綁在一連串的無聊當中。六月一直是個浪漫的月份。八月帶領你去開心的,刺激的同齡人間的關係(相戀和其他的)。九月是充滿激情的,但也有可能帶來一個用言語和眼神觸動你靈魂的人。
很多雙魚座即將敲響婚禮的鐘聲,但如果你的婚姻是一個不幸的話,2016年你會帶來解脫,2018年會得到法律確認。你可能發生一次爭鬥,因為金錢,工作(老闆很難纏)或者是在法庭上,在3月5日到5月下旬之間,8/9月。在這些方面,接受別人好的建議和意見,如果你什麼事都靠自己投入大量的精力和熱情,那麼那些想幫助你的人就會疏遠你(包括你的律師)。 1月,2月,和6月7月,你可能投入到這些事情中去,如果你的行動是合法的話。
我的觀點是,你可能因為愛情的事忙的不可開交,但請記住,你愛的越熱烈,那麼你面對不幸的機會就越小。把時間放在配偶和戀人身上並不是浪費,實際上這樣做會給你帶來很大的進步,助你走向成功。 2月/3月上旬,6月/7月罷工的意願強烈,非常忙碌,也變得愛談論和性相關的話題,如果你喜歡這個的話,那你就去做吧,但最終你會意識到真愛會代替它。你很有吸引力,3月金牛座和處女座可能追你,也可能帶來一些泛泛之交,其中的一個可能會和你發生一些深情的,溫柔的感情。 7月愛情方面帶來最激烈的火花,你可以主動把別人推到。
9月為你帶來平衡,這可能帶來婚姻,也可能是新的人際關係,接受新思想,新方法等。記住一點:10月之前即使是一個小小的吸引,最終都可能帶來一場幸運,陽光,樂觀的婚姻。 10月開始可能帶來一年的隱藏的,秘密的交易。愛變得更私人化和親密,緩慢增長,你必須嚴格避免婚外戀和其他的不好的誘惑。但如果你喜歡的某個人是靦腆,害羞的,那麼你可以主動點對他說,來和我在一起吧。已婚人士2016年球到2017年秋之間可能懷孕。
I’m not great in the stock markets, because I cannot, constitutionally, short stocks. I can only invest in optimism, despite my chronically “sober” outlook.
Destiny exists, yet the only inevitable event is past.
Cruz is today's Goldwater – not Trump. Trump is unique, a melange of archetypes: Viking, bully, impulsive, unpredictable, both shallow-minded and swift-minded (the reason his sentences often lack their second half, because he assumes you already know the answer, and will be bored by it).
But don't think Trump stupid, or a simpleton, or a “simple bully.” He stands out in this race partly because he introduced – to howls of protest and ridicule each time – virtually every major theme and idea of the entire current Republican slate. Without him, the Republican party is intellectually bankrupt. Every other candidate has taken up Trump's ideas and tried to claim them as their own. But they suffer the fate of counterfeiters: their copies are faded, overly-complex, dry – and ultimately weaker versions. They try to excuse and bolster this lack of energy and genius by calling their version a more logical one. Trump's intellectual virility/fertility has flown through the other candidates and their camps and their worried round tables like a wind, and still stands among them like a quiet furnace. The irony is that the candidates remaining now are all more eloquent and, on minor levels, more intellectual and deeper thinkers. But Trump is not looking at the last trade deficit or a senate voting record – he said at the beginning of his campaign, that he obtained his ideas from watching television and reading newspapers. This is how he sees the world: it breaks into big chunks that, to him, seem simple. The other candidates, being ordinary men (though Cruz among them comes close to heroic – he could be Loki to Trump's Thor) these mere mortals can only see as they have been taught: they see statistics, and programs, committees and “we always stay above the gloss” because we know or suspect what rot might reek below. But Trump can sit at a Starbucks and watch the pedestrians, and see chunks of the world interacting, and “feel” a path toward success. His intelligence is intuitive and swift, but seldom rises to poetic heights.)
Marco Rubio's presidential campaign motto is “A New America.” In his campaign ads, the camera pans over a beautiful city harbour at sunset as an image of this new, thriving America he envisions. Only trouble is, the city pictured is Vancouver, Canada – a tug boat in the ad is flying the Canadian flag. This is not just a mistake, but an omen.
ARIES March 21-April 19
There's so much work this year, Aries – and it's so potentially fortunate – that you might want to give romance a pass. (Of course if you're married, love is something that should be faced every day.) However, the cosmos might have other ideas. All January, February, June and July, your ruling planet jets its way through your sexual sector, keeping your libido alive and responsive – maybe too responsive, as extra-marital temptations can also arise. You want a change, a deep change in your life, and sex (as well as financial actions) will be one of the first pathways you jump into to make that change. March through May, and again August/September, your urges quiet down, and you begin to look on relationships philosophically. Some of you might marry, but most Aries will still hold off, as your major luck continues to flow in a work channel rather than a love channel.
September brings a whole new world, love-wise. From this month into October 2017, singles among you will meet at least one (probably two) life-mate prospects. One is lively, friendly, cheerful; one is more gracious and reserved; but both radiate a special calmness and a smooth way of showing you that a door is open, should you wish to try it.
Love is friendly until mid-March. You look good and attract sweet attention in April. Sensual (but boring, long-term) attractions in May. A romantic surge, perhaps even fireworks, mid-July to flare August. Sweet feelings rise this autumn and make you dream of intimacy. Great friendships, social delights November/December. February 2017 – you're on fire, you get what you want!
TAURUS April 20-May 20
Until late September, 2016 could be one of the best romantic years of your life, as both good luck and good karma combine. You get what you deserve and it should be good. This good luck also brings you just the kind of prospect you want – a good head on his/her shoulders, good looks, and a general aura of goodness. Romance will also be the way you like it – with plenty of physical, sensual gratification. You are already immersed in one of this year's influences: in both January/February (to March 5) and June/July, relationships of all types flare with intensity. Although this intensity might intimidate you a little, make you do a checklist of your own shortcomings or possible emotional “skeletons,” overall the fire you face should turn into the heat of attraction – juts remember to make love, not war.
From late September on, your work duties expand tremendously, which will draw you away from your love nest, at least temporarily. You might also find yourself feeling “lust” toward a co-worker or someone in your field. But if you've already started a romance since August 2015, stick with it, as you'd probably found something much too valuable to throw away or risk.
February might have brought a sweet, smart prospect, someone who can change your mind (rare!) and show you better ideas/principles to live with. March is very social and can bring light romance (the friendly kind in which your heart doesn' t pound, but your laughter is quick). As light as it might be, it is not the best “fit” for you: don't offer your heart this month; it might suffer a “friendly bruise.” March through May, no matter who you're with, sex and intimate clinches lure you powerfully. This might leave you in a quandary about who you do love. Only two warnings: watch STDs, and avoid extra-marital attractions. June/July, an intensity like January/February's returns. Now, though, you have the energy and charisma to meet this intensity and handle it with success. August/September bring red-hot lust back! What an up/down year, with the only constant being your good luck in romance. October's for work, but someone sweet also catches your eye. November/December bring important relationships (or developments) but career or parental demands add stress.
GEMINI May 21-June 20:
Before September, Gemini, you might have difficulty getting a romance off the ground. (Nevertheless you seem to have two of them – perhaps that's why neither one blossoms into a full embrace.) It's as if you keep having to relaunch a love affair week -to-week. If you do have a successful love now – and some Geminis (eg, with an earth or water Moon or rising sign) will definitely succeed in love now – then the result will tend to be a comfortable, better home. A home of peace and light, of love and health (and, if you're young, potentially a home of at least two babies). However, until September, most Geminis will actually prefer to spend time at home, puttering, relaxing and thinking – and will see romance or dating as a chore.
Despite this, March through May, and again August/September, relationships will flare with excitement and intensity. You will feel very optimistic about a possible partnership. Still, relationships will tend to go one way or the other: to intense attraction and impulsive embrace , or to heated words and angry rejection. You are dealing, both periods, with someone temperamental, enthusiastic, sporty, a loud laugher and a good friend (and an honest mate) but who could be moved to rage if you prick and pop his or her idealistic or political balloons with your pin of truth – don't brave that path! All year, you will tend to harmonize well with people noticeably older or younger than yourself.
Late September onward (for a whole year) brings one of the sweetest, luckiest romantic times of your life. (About 6 such love periods occur in an ordinary 84-year lifespan.) In October dawning love can intertwine swiftly with dawning sexual togetherness, also. BUT – turn your back on anyone already attached. You might have to contend with your loved one's emotional attachment with a prior “beau” even if that relationship ended long before. November/December might bring someone marriageable, or elevate a romance to marriage.
CANCER June 21-July 22
Small trends, until September, help you communicate and befriend someone you might want to love, or do love. But the biggest trends (2009 – 2025) indicate you will meet either your true love, or someone who frustrates you in the deepest way. But remember, 2016 is only one in a long stretch of 17 years. So you might have already met The One, or you will before 2025. To some degree, destiny hovers here, weaving the time and the person from life's threads. If you 're married, you and your mate have gone or will go through an emotional wrestling match that, if it doesn't break you up, will knot you together so deeply that no one could break you apart, ever. Generally, unhappy couples will part; loving couples will find deeper levels of love together.)
Intense love can scoop up your heart and send it on a wild ride January to March 5, and again all June/July. You'll have more romantic courage – and magnetism – than usual. Be gentle with children during these intervals. In tune with the duality and restlessness of your 2016, you might almost run from love March through May, and August/September. During these months, your workload will be so substantial that you might feel you have no time for romance. Nevertheless, March might bring someone sweet and gentle, whose ideas or life style intrigues you – be careful, he/she might be a dead-end. May brings a round of social delights, and raises your hopes about a special person. August and September bring affectionate friends, perhaps travel for love.
September starts a full year of splendid benefits in your home space – before autumn 2017, you could buy a new home, and be glad you did so, for many years/decades. Singles might set up house with a love. October/November intensifies “mature” love – love between equals. This can lead to love, fights, or an “ambitious partnership.” December – and next February – bring lust or physical intimacy. All year, Cancer, co-habiting is favoured, but wedding bells might be elusive. If so, accept this: delays in formally tying the knot actually benefit you.
LEO July 23-Aug. 22
You love love, Leo. But the first 8 months of 2016 — if you're single – offer you “nice” and “pleasant” sensual satisfaction. There is little romance and little love in it, so you might find yourself bored, eventually , by someone who's quite willing to share your boudoir. Worse, this person might really fall for you – then where do you stand? Don't use someone just to evade loneliness. That said, your intellectual and travel side remains very vibrant, and someone could enter, especially February, April and June, who turns on your mind, brings new ideas, shakes your concepts up a bit, perhaps a foreign-born person – this is not easy sensuality, but a potentially exciting, enduring mate.
If you have any trouble separating the wheat from the chaff, true love from mere sex, January to March 5, and all June/July, will put love to the test. Only real affection will survive these two blasts of the furnace. Domestic spats , frustration, a breaking off of wedding plans, can occur. Subsequent periods, March through May, and August/September, will bring hot romantic intensity. Late February to mid-March cam bring a sweet potential life mate. If you chase lust in March, disappointment will eventually occur. June brings happy, lively friends, but no one you'd be happy with in marriage. You start attracting people in July, even more in August/September. Your confidence is high, and someone could fall madly in love with you – and vice-versa!
September begins a full year of busy work, restlessness, communications and travel. This isn't a strong romantic influence, but t does say you'll travel in the service of love. If you're not attached, friendly romance is likely to arise. If you're married, engage your spouse (and kids) in communication projects and/or an adventurous trip or two. Talk will bring you closer – so will a few casual little gifts – a card, a little treat, etc.
VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22
From 2009 to 2024, Virgo, if single, you are likely to meet at least one friend who slowly transforms into a great love. Between 2011 and 2026 you are, if single, almost certain to meet your true life-mate. Put these trends together, and the news is splendid. However, now to mid-May 2017, you might be wise not to marry nor start co-habiting with anyone. However, if you're seeing someone first met before November 12, 2015, don' t worry about continuing the bond – for after May 2017 you might marry. (And you can keep him/her intrigued until then.) In fact, continuing with anyone met before last Nov. 12, is preferable to forming a deep bond with anyone you meet then to May 9, 2017. With all prospects, be open to romance, friendship, even physical intimacy – but don't marry, yet.
You are very solid, logical, practical, no-nonsense, and in love you “burn hot.” Now (2011 to 2026) you have to welcome people who are almost your opposite: misty, indecisive, dreamy, and very hard to pin down – even physically, when you hug this sort of person they almost seem to disappear; yet, hugging you, they feel like they've embraced a rock, a heart as solid as a tree. Your emotions are direct and blunt: this person's emotions slosh around in a big bath tub. You can feel alternately frustrated and intrigued. But this might be the one, Virgo.
In January/February and June/July you're restless, and sex is on your mind and in your words. In March, that elusive type described above might first appear. This could be very significant – if the person drops into your lap, he/she might be destined to be in your life. But if you have to continually chase, and seldom catch this person, turn and walk away, unless you want a broken heart. All March through May, and again all August/September, you can be a bit of a dictator on the home front – be gentle with kids all year. These periods might also end a purely lust-oriented affair. You attract interest in September, but October/November excite your romantic side, and inject you with extra courage in love. December's heavy on the home and work fronts, but January 2017 brings a streak of romance again. From September onward (into autumn 2017) sensual embraces will come easily. Don't have sex with someone who you suspect will eventually bore you.
LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Until September, Libra, you're in a restful state, which could be spent more valuably as a preparation for love, rather than in the pell-mell pursuit of love. These months are a good time to contemplate what you really want in love . If you're older, it's a good time to examine the past and how you arrived at this place. You can scan prior relationships, and by this know what kind of person you should love. In seeking a mate, this is half the battle.
September begins a year (to October 2017) of great good fortune, cheerfulness and camaraderie. You'll attract others, as a buoyant mood always attracts. This can bring a significant light or friendly romance. By itself, this wouldn't be remarkable . But until mid-2018 romance of any type can swiftly lead to married union – or to a friendly, volatile, unpredictable love affair that could at any time turn to marriage, or a break-up. You won't be bored!
All year (in fact, 2009 to 2024) a domestic problem might interfere with love. At one extreme, this could mean you want to run the race of love, but you're already married, or Dad won't let you out the front door, or your living conditions make you shy away from inviting anyone over. You can to a large degree solve this domestic “bump.” It takes hard work, but it will “free” your love life, let it take wing. This domestic problem might be inside you: eg, IBS, or childhood trauma. To reduce this domestic knot's influence, avoid starting a love affair in January, April, July or October. To catch this knot and untie it, use the same months.
Romance calls in February, June (romance finds you) August (happy friends sometimes “produce” a love prospect) and October (when your own charms are like a silent wolf-whistle). A friendly, even casual relationship in March through May, and again August/September, could turn into a life-mating. January/February and July/August, avoid over-spending on love.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Many social joys fill 2016 – at least until late September. A surging popularity, flirtations and friendly romance fill your days. From these friendly flirtations a deep bond might develop a bond that can lead to marriage, but in many 2016 will give you intimacy and affection, without marital strings. Whatever you do this year, Scorpio, don't hide in a closet – get out, extend the hand of friendship – you could be surprised at how eagerly people greet the new, happy you. You are presently in a long (2011 to 2026) “true love” phase, in which The One is almost certain to appear. However, this year (to mid-May, 2017) you can experience disappointment if you aim for deep, heavy romance or infatuation – light romance is your safety and your joy. (A Virgo might be involved.)
January to March 5, and again all June/July, your sexual magnetism and courage flare like a hot fire. You can seduce almost anyone, so the need to discriminate is in your court. Try to avoid: co-workers, sensual attractions wherein you know you won't remain interested for long, and deep, jump-off-a-cliff romance. Keep a social element in all love.
You flirt with all sorts of possibilities in January, but these end in a heap by February, as you pull back to decide what's going on. March triggers romance of the pure kind, but remember my warning. April's for work, but you might hear of or speak to someone who could be a viable life-mate. This goes through some confusion in May, then clears so that by June you might have to decide: is he/she for me? Sweet love, and wise love, arise in July. September's friendly, and love could blossom in a social group, club, political party, etc. In November you draw attention and affection, but you're starting to see how complicated everything is in a relationship, and you have some decisions to make.
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Bah, humbug, could be your reaction to the question of love – many times before autumn, but not after. Before late September, you'll experience expansion and good fortune in your career, status and similar ambitious zones, which leaves you less time for love. In addition, you've grown and matured since early 2015. (This process continues to late 2017.) You feel sober, and are looking at your life in a no-nonsense, “I'm getting older” – and do I have enough money? – way.
Despite this (or perhaps because you're repressing the love urge so strongly) you will at times burst into “Romantic Sage” with red cape and blue tights, ready to win love with a new intensity, courage and determination. This intensity and courage will be a magnet to the opposite sex (same sex for gays) from March 5 to late May – three whole months – and again all August and September. (You could feel indecisive in love, especially if you're male, mid-April through June.) These times of intense, sudden love will be balanced by similarly long periods – January to early March, and all June/July – of “repression” – times when love just doesn't seem to work, or you experience major obstacles to romantic fulfillment. (If you are already in a loving bond, these “obstacle times” become cozy, snuggle-by-the-fire times.)
So love goes to extremes before autumn: first you repress it or it seems to desert you (eg, Jan./Feb.) then it comes back like a force of nature, which of course it is (eg, March through May). But by September this up-and-down ends: you begin a whole year of wishes coming true, including love's wishes. From this point on, your social life will expand easily and happily. From your group(s) a splendid mate prospect could arise. You are likely to meet and welcome a person who is at first only a friend, then becomes a lover, even a life-mate. He/she is likely to be graceful, calm-appearing, intellectual – and when he/she thinks of love, they also envision marriage. Always.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Until late September, Cap, you will be under one of the two most romantic influences possible. This is not romance, period. This is romance that tends to lead to a wedding, or to a long-lived love. You'll find that love, this time around, tends to capture your mind as well as your heart. You will tend to meet someone whose ideas and ideals, advice and urgings are good for you – although you might not realize this until months, even years later. Your amorous prospects rise if/when you travel internationally, attend post-secondary school, practise law or hire a lawyer, or engage in media, publishing, religious, philosophical and cultural venues. You're far more likely to find true love in a library than on the beach.
In a broad view, you are in an odd time (2009-2024) in which you alternately feel lonely, misunderstood, and optimistic, as if a wish was about to come true. In a complicated way, a wish might really come true January to early March, and all June/July. During these 4 months, your social calendar looks crowded, and from a social (or club or political) group, an assertive, slightly fiery and humorous person might emerge – and could “give you the signal” at first sight – or might just walk up and “take you.” But this same person – or your interest in this group itself – might also suddenly end. I said it was complex! If you want this attraction to last, form it around garden parties, kitchens and cafes, home and kids (if applicable) – anything domestic, for this love will need a “home” to survive. From March through May, and again August/September, you can feel as if your amorous courage and fire has deserted you, or you might wonder if you should graciously exit. Some bits: be careful whom you chase in March: look deep, into both parties' motives. Sweet, pure romance blossoms in May. July brings your opposite – and opposites attract. August is frankly sexual, lustful, yet someone comes along who rings beautiful bells in your thoughts, who entrances your entire consciousness. September brings romance in the broadest sense, yet few of the little things (holding hands? Setting a date ?) work easily.
Late September begins a whole year of great good fortune in career, status environments, business and politics. You might be a little busy for love, yet your magnetism surges October/November. If you're free, a light, friendly romance could begin . January 2017 will bring “the wrong person” and March 2017 the wrong person but the right love. Any of these can lead to a wedding that is more status-based than true-love-based (which can work). But take care , be alert and self-aware, October intro 2017.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Study the difference between lust and love, Aquarius. (Lust wants to make someone an object that you can exercise your desires upon; love has no object; it survives without nourishment; it makes someone a light and their light turns to illuminate you.) The first eight months of 2016 will immerse you in lust. (Unless of course you reject such notions and bury yourself in finances or research instead – which is the 2016 road to profit and wealth for every Aquarian – and an almost obligatory path if you' re married. Many married Aquarians will welcome a new baby.) This lust is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you remain honest and strictly avoid extra-marital “opportunities.” But realize that an affair started between August 2015 and September 2016 , if it leads to wedding bells, might create a marriage that is short on loyalty.
From early March to late May, and again July/August, you'll be dancing a social round that brings you into contact with many new people. From these social delights a friend might emerge toward whom you will always feel a little casual – yet you and he/she can be lively, entertaining, witty and sparkling friends-cum-lovers, even eventually a “couple.” Beware a merely sensual attraction in March – you might later find yourself bound in chains of boredom. June is always romantic , and August leads you to bright, challenging relations with your equals (in love and other things). September is totally sexual, but might also bring someone who speaks to your soul with a kind of song that threads through their words and eyes.
Late September begins a full year of “wedding vibes.” Sometime then to November 2017, you could fall madly in love, or feel the sweet sensation of someone loving you first, then fall madly in. If you're married, plan long ( international) trips or attend school together. If single, you're most likely to stumble upon love in a library, school, law court/law office, at travel terminals, or while travelling afar or working with cultural or media organizations.
PISCES Feb. 19-March 20
You are the unluckiest and luckiest of the twelve signs this year, Pisces – at least to and including September. You'll be unlucky if you remain independent, alone, and self-sufficient. You could be the luckiest person in the world if you seek outside yourself, want a partner, and use your considerable charms to attract and bond with others. This applies to everything – friends, business associations, etc. – but it specially applies to love. Many of you will meet and marry someone who is open, honest (mostly) and unlike you in many, sometimes intimidating ways. This person will be solid (when they hug you it's like a ton of earth embraced you – talk about grounding!) and detail-oriented, precise and logical. Many Pisceans will be ringing wedding bells. But if your marriage is unhappy, 2016 can bring separation, and 2018 a legal confirmation.
You might face a decisive fight over money, or in career (bosses are temperamental) or in a court of law, March 5 to late May, and again August/September. In this, depend on the kindness of others. If you push your own case with too much strength or passion, you can alienate those who would help you (including your own lawyer). Even January/February and June/July can draw you into this if the action is to be legal. My point is, you might be too busy for love. But remember this: the more you love, the smaller these difficulties will be. Time given to a spouse or lover is not wasted – it actually advances you further toward success than hours of labour. Those February/early March and June/July periods might strike the sparks of an intense, almost hectic, perhaps argumentative sensual affair. Enjoy this if you want, but realize real love will supplant it.
You're very attractive in March – a Taurus or Virgo might chase you. May brings casual acquaintances, one of whom might turn into an affectionate, gentle affair. July sparks your deepest romantic passions – you could overwhelm someone! September brings your equal – this could eventually lead to marriage, but be diplomatic and receptive to new ideas, new ways of courting. Remember this: even a minor attraction any time before October, can eventually lead to marriage, a lucky, bright, optimistic marriage. October begins a year of deep, secret dealings. Love turns private and intimate; attractions grow sexual, and you must strictly avoid extra-marital or other tawdry temptations. But if someone's been playing hard to get, or coy, now is the time to say: let me in. For married folk, autumn 2016 to autumn 2017 can bring pregnancy.
The End
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