Sarah 莎拉愛情週運20160320-20160326
Weekly love horoscopes by Sarah Bartlett.這一週,我們不僅遇到春分,也碰到月食。這意味著,親愛的讀者,你會發現,由於日食在天秤座發生,你將在愛與不愛之間找出平衡。你要知道,當日食能量運作,你將會重新找到解脫、和諧和愛的動作。(序 譯者:小鐵星座)
白羊座 ARIES 譯者:小鐵星座
本週在你對宮的天秤座發生月食,關注於你的想像力,你想像未來的浪漫理想。相信自己,你正走在愛情生活的路上,你直覺可以等待它發展為更強大。所以屏住呼吸期待著,這一切將不再是別人認為的那樣。金牛座TAURUS 譯者:小鐵星座
現在,我們都希望把過去放下。我們為了追求自由,開始疑慮和擔憂,並期待著美好的未來。但問題是,它並不像聽起來那麼容易,是嗎?我們恐懼,不安和內疚成了一種習慣,這是一個沉重的制約。我們只是人不是神,要重新開始是不容易的。但是,這是你繼續前進的機會,或努力改善你的愛情、生活、工作。但你敢不敢?雙子座GEMINI 待譯中
You may have a partner or admirer who says, 'everything's just fine, don't rock the boat'. And if single, you begin to realise that the independence you value highly can overcome those negative feelings about letting to. With a sense of self-acceptance and brand new initiative for other ventures, love for someone else may not be an easy thing to feel, but it's coming your way.巨蟹座 譯者:小鐵星座
這一週,你的想進行一場做自己的冒險,你有資格這樣做。如果你是單身,有位迷人的仰慕者,而你不知道你是否應該採取進一步的行為。如果你對此有疑問,答案是不要!因為本週這個奇怪的月食,你至少一個星期左右,都不應該有動作。獅子座 LEO 待譯中
Being in love is going to be a little volatile this week as you struggle with the growing realisation that you need to get a new outlook on love and life. It’s almost as if you’re not sure of what you really want, or who you really want to be with. So say 'no' to illusions and 'yes' to your growing self-awareness as you gradually begin to see the truth of the matter.
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