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【Kelli Fox】2015年度占星運勢:獅子座(原文)




Expansive Jupiter continues its tour of your Personality Sector from January through August 11th. This poses the perfect opportunity to drawing favorable attention. Launching a business, breaking into a new industry and showcasing your talent are all favored. Your warmth, enthusiasm and positive energy will open doors that were previously closed to you. Use this golden period to go after your dreams, Leo. This is a rare transit that can shower love, luck and good fortune upon you. After August 11th, your income could get a significant boost. That's when Jupiter moves into your Earned Income Sector. Pay careful attention to the days surrounding September 12th, when an exceptional moneymaking opportunity could arrive courtesy of a Solar Eclipse. Landing a lucrative job or running a successful business may give you more money for luxuries. Although the temptation to go on a shopping spree will be tempting, it would be wise to automatically divert a set percentage of each paycheck into an interest-bearing savings account. Building a nest egg can allow you to live comfortably during economic downturns. Having money in the bank will also give you an added measure of freedom in both your personal and professional lives. Developing your creative talent may become an increasing priority throughout 2015. Studying with a respected teacher will force you to work harder than ever on your writing, music or design skills. It doesn't matter which medium you choose to pursue; just follow your heart. There's a good chance you'll be able to sell your handiwork or land a part.

Love And Romance

Your charisma may be red-hot this year, thanks to Jupiter's tour through your Personality Sector from January through August 11th. This gives an extra boost to your natural star power; admirers will flock to you like moths to a flame. In addition, idealistic Neptune will continue its journey through your Intimacy Sector, making you an object of desire for many. If you're single, you'll have your pick of several suitors. Although it's nice to be popular, you probably won't play the field. You'd rather settle down with someone special. That's because serious Saturn will be touring your Romance Sector for most of 2015. Falling in love with an accomplished artist is a distinct possibility. There's also a good chance that your partner will have an exotic background. If you're already in a relationship, you and your mate could recommit to your partnership in a serious way. Spending more quality time together might become an increasing priority. Have you been talking about having a child? You may conceive or adopt this year. Do you already have children? It may be necessary to form a united front for the sake of a kid. Take this opportunity to create a legacy with your partner. The two of you can accomplish great things together in 2015. If your romantic partner has been putting off a cherished dream, make a personal sacrifice on their behalf. Working while they develop a book, album or fashion line will be a great testament. Do what you can to support and uplift your beloved.

Career And Money

Keep an eye on the days surrounding March 20th. A Solar Eclipse in your Joint Resources Sector could attract a big windfall. An inheritance, insurance refund or legal settlement may arrive near this pivotal day. Use this money to finance a creative project or go on a dream vacation. If you're in a relationship, your romantic or business partner could earn some fantastic money, which will indirectly benefit you. Be scrupulous about your accounting, as deceptive methods could result in a tax audit. Save your receipts and keep accurate records of all your financial dealings throughout 2015. After August 11th, your financial prospects could become significantly better. That's when expansive Jupiter will enter your Earned Income Sector. Landing a high-paying job or launching a successful business is strongly advised. While earning these big paychecks will be exciting, don't get lulled into a false sense of security. Put percentage of your income into a retirement or savings account. Having a nest egg will sustain you through tough economic times. It will also give you more freedom in your personal and professional lives. Transformative Pluto is continuing its tour of your Daily Work Sector. Transitioning into a healthier work environment is possible for you. Whether this means negotiating a deal that allows you to work from home or transferring to a different branch is immaterial. The important thing is to push for a happier, healthier environment. If this means quitting a toxic position, so be it. A job that is taking a toll on your health is not worth keeping.

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